Leaving the Closet

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Sal's POV
"I think that you're beautiful... because I love you."

The angelic words ring like bells inside my head.  To Travis, I'm beautiful.  I've never felt beautiful before, but with him being my boyfriend now, I actually feel valid and even... pretty for once.  Travis makes me feel like my life matters.  He makes me feel happy.

Travis's POV
Sal and I have been hanging out a lot lately.  Our special place is the lake, and that's where we have all our dates.  We go there every day I'm allowed to leave the house.  We spend our time discussing our interests and learning new information about each other.  I've learned that Sal is very sensitive and shy, but is starting to settle down now that he's with me.  He has an interest in music, especially metal.  He enjoys playing guitar.  He's brought his guitar out to the lake and played for me a few times, and he's amazing at it.  He's really into the bands Slipknot and Sanity Falls.  He also enjoys art and paints a lot.  Honestly, he's not the best at art, but his flaws are part of his beauty.  He never wears his prosthetic when it's just us, so he's finally learning to be comfortable around me.  We haven't hung out at his apartment yet because of his dad, but he's thinking about coming out to him and bringing me over.
          *          *          *          *          *
Sal and I sit under the weeping willow that overlooks the lake, taking in the heavenly scenery.  Sal's prosthetic lies in the cold grass and his face is bare.  He's not smiling.  He looks deep in thought.  A breeze passes through and blows Sal's hair in his face, interrupting his reverie. 

"Hey, Sal," I say softly.  He turns his head to look at me and gestures for me to continue.  "When are you gonna tell your dad that your... you know, dating a guy?  You said that he's pretty accepting, right?"  Sal sighs, fiddling with a blade of grass.  "I don't know," he sighs, "I mean, yeah, he'd accept me, it's just that I've told him I'm not interested in men so many times and it would be a shock to him.  I mean I guess I can tell him."  I smile, stroking Sal's hand gently.  "I'll go with you.  He can meet me, and I'll be there to back you up if you need help telling him."  I gently kiss him on his forehead.  He smiles and blushes, brushing a loose strand of hair behind his ear.  "Ok," he says, "let's go then, I guess.

I stand up and follow Sal through the woods, the wind whistling through the trees. 

We exit the forest after a long walk and Sal takes me up the sidewalk towards a tall green apartment building.  He opens the door and enters, with me following behind.  Sal and I walk into the elevator and he presses the button for the fourth floor.  The elevator dings as the doors slide open and we step off.

Sal slips his key into the lock of his front door and it unlocks with a click.  Sal leads me into the living room.

It's a rather small room.  Dark too.  It smells like cat food, which is explained when a fat orange Maine Coon cat saunters into the room meowing at Sal.  Sal stoops down, scratching his cat's head. 

"Sal, is that you?" a deep voice echoes from the bedroom nearby.  Suddenly, the door opens and out steps a rather short blue-haired man.  He looks at Sal and then over at me.  "Hey Dad, uh, this is Travis.  Travis Phelps," Sal says, scooping his cat up in his arms.  I wave awkwardly at Sal's father.  He frowns.  "The priest's son?  Sal, he... doesn't he punch you?"  I shuffle my feet, anxiety brewing up inside my chest.  Tears form in the corner of my eyes, but I try hard to choke them back.  Sal retorts, "He used to, but not any more.  That's why I'm here with him.  I need to tell you something."  Sal's father smiles.  "Cool, what do you need to say?"  Sal stutters, looking back at me for support.  I smile at him.  He settles down a bit and grasps my hand.  "Dad, Travis is... my boyfriend.  I'm... I'm bisexual." 

Sal holds on to my hand even tighter.  I can feel him tensing up.  Sal's father smiles.  "I kind of suspected you were anyway.  I'm fine with it, don't worry.  I approve," he chuckles, giving Sal a firm pat on the back.  Sal finally loosens his hold on my hand and lets go. 

"So," Sal's father says, heading towards the kitchen, "is your boyfriend gonna stay for dinner?  I'm making tacos."  Sal looks over at me.  "Um, I'll have to call my mother and ask.  Give me a second."  I walk over to the bathroom for privacy. 

A few minutes later, I step back out.  "She said it's fine," I say smiling. 

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