Golden Hour Reveries

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Sal's POV
"No, not again!" Larry groans, discontent with the end results of the Mario kart round.  He tosses the controller on the couch and jumps up, pouting and whining as he heads towards the kitchen.  "It's not my fault you suck," I chuckle, gloating on the fact that I've gotten second place each round, right behind Todd who's like a total fucking boss at Mario kart.  Larry peers around inside the fridge, searching for something sugary and carbonated. He leaves and plops back on the couch with a can of coke in his hand.  Todd slouches down on the couch, his legs crossed, and selects new game. 

As I'm selecting my character and vehicle parts, my mind wanders to earlier today with Travis in the bathroom.  And that note.  It must have been written by him.  But who was it meant for?  Most likely a boy since he mentioned that he's ashamed of it, and he always makes fun of me and my friends by calling us homophobic slurs.  Maybe he likes boys and is so ashamed that he takes his pain out by giving other people pain.

"Dude, pay attention!" Larry yells, snapping me out of my reverie only for me to notice that the round has already started and I am in twelfth place.  "Shit!" I shout, trying drastically to catch up.
          *          *          *          *          *
After Todd and Larry have left, I take a walk to the nearby lake.  It's kind of me and Ash's special place where we've had our dates.  We broke up recently though because I just didn't feel the same about her. 

I lean up against the weeping willow overlooking the blue-green water.  The georgeos sunset is draped all the way across the horizon and it's golden pink hues reflect in the lake.  The orange sun seeps through the cracks in between the trees and illuminates my bright blue hair with it's golden sunlight.  I sigh.  I came here to reminisce upon my moment with Travis.  The way his chocolate eyes sparkled with tears as they ran down his tanned cheeks.  The bittersweet smile he gave me as he exited.  The way I felt as we hugged.  All of it was so... unusual.  I don't think I've felt this before.  I feel like I have a deeper connection with him then I realized.  I even thought he looked kind of cute earlier.  But I'm not...

Holy shit.

I'm crushing on Travis Phelps.

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