Lips Sealed, Eyes Locked

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Travis's POV
I pick at my food, not really feeling hungry.  I have had a few bites and Sal's dad is a great cook, but I can not eat without feeling like vomiting. 

I can not stop thinking about Father.  What he would do to me if he knew who I was with.  If he knew we were together...

"So, Travis," Sal's father interrupts my thought by speaking to me, "Do your parents know that you're dating my son?"  I freeze, a lump forming in my throat.  "Uh, no," I stutter.  "I'm afraid to tell them.  My father is kind of... nevermind.  He just doesn't want me dating a boy."  Sal gives me a look of concern.  I brush my fingers through my soft hair, trying to comfort myself and find a distraction from the topic.  Sal's father nods his head in understanding, and shovels food into his mouth.  

As we finish up dinner, Sal clears the table and carries the dishes to the sink.  "Hey, Travis, it's getting dark.  Do you want to spend the night?  You can take the couch," Sal's father suggests.  I turn red, and I can tell Sal does as well beneath his prosthetic.  Spending the night with my boyfriend?  Hell, if Father knew, he would kill me.  "Um," I stutter, slightly embarrassed, yet at the same time, hoping I can.  "I might, if my mother says it's fine."  I text Mother quickly,  asking.  To my surprise, she says it is fine as long as I come home early tomorrow.  "Uh, she said I can stay," I chuckle nervously.  Sal smiles wide beneath his prosthetic; I can tell by his eyes squinting.  Sal's father smiles.  "Cool.  You can sleep on the couch.  I'll fetch you some quilts.  Sal, get him some clothes to wear."

Sal heads towards his room and returns shortly with a pair of gym shorts and a baggy hoodie.  "Here," he says, handing them to me. 
Some time passes.  Sal and I are cuddled together on his couch watching cartoons.  The TV blares loud sounds and portrays a light that illuminates the room.  Sal leans his head on my shoulder.  I blush, and wrap my arm around his body. 

The cartoon ends.  As the end credits roll, Sal turns to me.  "My dad wouldn't want us in the same room, so I'm gonna head off to bed before I fall asleep here."  He chuckles a bit and pecks my cheek swiftly with his soft lips. 

Sal stands up and exits the living room, shutting his door behind him. 
Sal's POV
The room is empty, lonely.  It is silent.  The only sound is white noise portrayed by a far off television.  The whole room is bright; even the far off crevices are illuminated.  There is not a shadow in sight.


I turn around swiftly, but see nothing.  The voice was familiar, yet hideous and full of hatred and sarcasm.  The voice sounded like...


I hear the voice again this time right behind me.  I turn around to see a sight so horrifying.  It is Travis, but he looks... different.  His face is mangled, blood shooting out of his mouth.  His eyes are black and swollen nearly shut.  He is shirtless, and his ribcage is littered with bruises.  His arms are covered in scabs and fresh gashes, letting crimson blood fall down to the ground.  He inches closer to me.  I can feel his hot breath on my bare face. 

Suddenly, a fist plunged inside my stomach, causing me to vomit and fall to the floor in pain.  He stoops down beside me.  "I never loved you, you faggot," he whispers, scratching his fingernails against my scarred skin.  I feel a deep pain as he utters these words.  I feel broken.  Like a mirror had shattered and I bathed in the shards of broken glass, the shards penetrating my skin and leaving bloody scars.  I try to scream, but Travis just gives me a sly grin and walks away, disappearing into the light.  Tears swim down my cheeks, mixing with the blood I am covered in.  I feel like I'm dying...

I sit up, my heart racing, my chest moving up and down as I breathe  heavily, cold sweat streaming down my face and soaking my shirt.  I pull my blankets around me and hug my knees.  I let sobs escape me and let the tears drench my face and legs as I cry into my knees.  What a nightmare.

I hear a loud knock at my door.  I dry my eyes and listen to the voice on the other side, "Sal, are you ok?"  The voice comes from Travis.  It is nothing like my dream.  His tone is soothing and sweet. 

"Come in," I choke.

Travis opens the door and closes it softly behind him.  He walks up to me and sits next to me on my bed, the mattress creaking.  "What's wrong?" he asks, running his warm fingers through my matted hair.  It is comforting.  I sniffle a bit.  "I- I just had a nightmare.  That's all," I spit out, not wanting to alarm him with what it was about.  Travis sighs and wraps his arm around my neck.  After a long silence, he speaks, "I'm sorry." 

I smile, knowing that everything is finally alright. 

We sit in silence for quite awile. 

"Travis," I murmer.  He hums, telling me to say more.  I scratch my head, feeling awkward.  "I, uh, I wanna say something."  Travis moves closer to me.  "Tell me anything," he whispers. 

I sigh.  "You remember that time at the lake when you said I was beautiful because you loved me?" 

He nods.

"Well, I... love you too."

A smile blooms like a morning glory at dawn on Travis's face.  "I'm glad," he says as he leans in.  His soft caramel lips touch my scarred pink ones.  We seal our lips tightly, only separating to gasp for breath.  We stay this way for a while, not wanting to let go of each other.  Travis is perfect.  I need him so bad.  I love him. 

After about five minutes, we separate our lips.  Travis gives me a sweet smile, showing his milk-soaked teeth.  I smile back, a pale blush forming on my scabbed face, burning my skin. 

"I love you, Sal," he whispers, his smile growing larger. 

"I love you too, Travis."   

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