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Sal's POV
I flutter my eyes open as I awaken.  Travis's arms are wrapped around me, his body close to mine.  His head rests on my shoulder.  He is warm and comforting.  The sun seeps through the cracks in my curtains, illuminating my blue hair sprawled across my pillow.  I smile.  I spent the night with Travis. 

Travis's POV
My eyes blink.  The sight of gorgeous blue wisps of hair fill my eyes.  I smile, squeezing the small boy closer to my body.  A groan escapes his pale lips.  He stretches and turns to face me, our noses touching.  "Morning," I whisper, a beautiful smile portrayed on my otherwise ugly face.  Sal yawns.  His nose wrinkles as he yawns, and his eyes squint.  It is cute. 

We lay in bed for what feels like hours, basking in the beauty of our love and soaking in every detail of it. 

At last, Sal flings the sheets off of his small figure and rises to his feet.  "I'll be right back," he says exiting the room, shutting the door behind him.

Sal returns a few minutes later.  He climbs back into bed with me and burrows his head in my chest.  He wraps his skinny arms around my shoulders and pulls me close to him.  I feel his warm tears soak my shirt.  I rub his back in a comforting fashion.  He just lets the sobs escape his trembling body and shows his true emotions. 

After embracing the weeping boy in my arms for awhile to comfort him, he pulls away.  Our eyes lock.

"Travis, I'm sorry for this.  I just... I had a nightmare about you.  That you didn't love me.  You hated me," Sal says, drying his tears. 

"Sal, it's ok.  I would never hate you," I murmur, petting his hair.  "I love you.  Remember that.  I'll never stop loving you."    

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