Take Me to the Rooftop

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TW! - This chapter will be very triggering, but I won't say what so that I don't spoil it.  Just please read the warnings in the description before reading this chapter!

Travis's POV
I stand in front of my bathroom mirror examining the bruises on my face.  Blood shoots from my nose, staining my neck crimson.  Tears stream down my purple cheeks.  I sigh sadly, my tone full of severe pain.  Not physical pain, though.  That feels like nothing compared to my emotional pain. 

I stare at my reflection.  You're nothing but a stupid fag.  You deserve to die.  My mind swarms with negative thoughts.  I truly should die.  I do not matter.  The only person that cares about me is Sal, but after Father finding out, I may lose him too. 

I walk back into my room and plop down on my bed, the springs creaking.  I fall onto my back, grimacing in pain.  I can not handle life anymore.

I am ready to die. 

I stand up and dig through all the junk in my drawer.  At last, I find a small, metal blade.  I force a melancholic smile, tears running down my face.  Finally, I can leave my life behind me.  Say farewell to all the people who have hurt me. 

I sit back on my bed, blade in hand.  What do I have to live for? 


I have Sal.

I should at least say goodbye to my beautiful, sweet angel. 

Before I slit my wrists and drown in the crimson blood that gushes out. 

I pick up my phone and dial Sal's number. 

"Hello, Travis?" Sal answers.

"Hey, Sal," I choke, my voice hoarse and raspy from crying. 

"Travis, are you ok?  Have you been crying?"

"Uh, yeah.  I-I have."

"What's going on?"

I sigh, letting the tears drench my face.  I sob into the phone.  "Listen, Sal.  I called to say... to say goodbye."

"What are you talking about?"  A sliver of concern echoes throughout Sal's voice.

I weep heavilly, spitting out words through my tears.  "Sal, um, I'm sorry.  I am so, very sorry.  Know that this isn't about you.  I just-

"Are you breaking up with me?" Sal interrupts, his voice cracking with tears. 

"No, no, I'd never!  I called to say goodbye.  And what I mean by that is...



"I love you so much.  You're too perfect for this world.  You're heaven on earth.  I need you so bad that I can't live without you."

"What are you saying?"

"Father found out about us."

A silence is draped across us like a blanket of fog.

"What does this mean?"

"It means I will lose you, Sal.  And you were the only thing keeping me alive, so-"

"Travis, don't!  I love you too much!"

"I'm sorry, but I can't live without you in my life.  I'll be gone soon, don't bother trying to save me."

I hang up the phone. 

I drop my head into my hands and scream.  I do not want to leave him. 

But I can not live without him.

I raise the blade above my wrist and press down.

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