Our Forbidden Love

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Sal's POV
A few days have passed by since Travis and I kissed each other.  We haven't really talked, we just exchange smiles as we pass in the hallways.  He's probably trying to protect his reputation.  I still sit with Todd, Ash, and Larry at lunch.  If Travis sat with us, Larry would go berserk on him.  I'm hoping that we can find somewhere to hang out.  Somewhere special and just for us. 
          *          *          *          *          *
"It was fuckin' sick, dude!  You totally should have came!" Larry shouts at me, his mouth full of cheeseburger.  I slurp my lemonade.  "Nah, I was ok.  We can go bowling some other time."  Larry and Todd had gone bowling the evening I hung out with Travis.  Larry rolls his eyes.  "For real, bro.  You said you couldn't go with us 'cause you had other plans.  So, what were you up to?"  Larry stares at me, awaiting my answer.  I sigh.  "I've told you a million times, I had to help my dad around the house," I lie, dipping a French fry in ketchup.  Todd leans in.  "It seems like your hiding something from us Sal.  Are you sure you weren't... with someone?"  Larry snorts as he laughs while Todd makes kissing noises at me.  "Shut up you two," I laugh, getting up to throw away my trash. 

Travis's POV
I sit at the foot of my bed half-naked, cleaning fresh wounds on my skin.  Father was in a particularly rotten mood earlier, and had thrown a glass cup at me.  It left a few cuts, but nothing major. 

I finish cleaning them and plop down on my bed.  My face blooms as a smile grows.  I can't stop thinking about Sal.  His soft lips, his unique face, his dainty hands.  He's such a strange boy, yet very beautiful.  He's just different. 

I pull myself out of bed and walk over to my dresser.  I pull out a clean pair of white jeans and a dove gray turtleneck.  It's chilly today, so I grab a pair of woolen socks. 

I rush down the wooden steps and run through the living room.  Father's not home at the moment because he's at the church, so I seek Mother.  I push open the door of her bedroom after gently knocking.  She sits on her bed reading.  She glances up from her book and smiles at me.  "What do you need, sweety?"  She sets her book on the bed.  "May I take a walk outside? It's such nice weather today," I ask politely.  She gives me an approving nod, and I hurry to the door.  I wriggle into my coat and lace up my shoes. 

I step outside, shutting the door behind me.  A cool breeze ruffles my untamed, messy blond hair.  I step down from the porch and began my journey to where Sal and I kissed for the first time: the lake.  

Sal's POV
I finish up my lunch with Larry and Todd and make my way over to the lake.  It's where Travis and I first kissed, so it's kind of special to me. 

The wind grazes my neck and ruffles my pigtails, causing lose strands of hair to dance about.  I shiver, cold air rushing towards my small, weak body.  The leaves crack as my feet hit them, crumbling with a satisfying crunch sound.  Birds chirp happily up in the trees. 

I reach the lake.  And there, standing under the weeping willow, his gorgeous blond hair swaying in the wind, is Travis.  He smiles awkwardly.  I walk towards him, smiling back, even though it isn't visible through my prosthetic.  He reaches out his arms and pulls me into a warm embrace, resting his head on mine.  After a while, he pulls away.  "Hey, Sally," he smiles.  For once he looks kind of happy.  The bruises on his face are finally starting to fade.  Happiness is a unique color for him.  He looks beautiful in it. 

The two of us sit under the willow, looking out at the beautiful shimmering lake.  I lean my head on Travis's shoulder, he feels tense at first, probably embarrassed, but finally loosens up and wraps his arm around me. 

We sit this way for a while, forgetting about reality, indulged in our own thoughts.  Travis is such a beautiful person once you crack the hard outer shell.  He comforts me. 

"Sal, can I ask you a question?" Travis murmurs, breaking the peaceful silence.  I sit up and turn towards him, our eyes locking.  "Of course," I answer, taking his hand in mine and rubbing it.  He blushes hot pink.  "So, I- you know that I like you.  A lot.  So, I was wondering if maybe we- you could... be my boyfriend?"  He turns his face away, covering it with his hand.  I smile at him.  "Travis," I whisper sweetly, "of course I will.  I- I like you."  I turn red.  I almost said that I... love him.  And I think that I do, but... does he love me back?  Travis flushes pink, a smile growing across his caramel cheeks. 

"Can you do something for me?" he asks after we sit in an awkward silence for a while. 

"What is it?"

"When you're around me, can you... take off your mask- uh, prosthetic, I mean? 

"I guess so," I stutter nervously, shaking as I reach up to unbuckle my prosthetic.  I let it slip from my bony face and let it fall to the soft grass.  Travis smiles soothingly at me.  I tear up, trying to choke back my sobs.  Travis's smile fades and a look of concern forms on his face.  "Sal, are you alright?" he asks, wiping my tears with his soft fingers.  I sniffle slightly.  "I don't want you to hate me."

"Why the hell would I hate you?"

"Because I'm ugly.  I'm a fucking freak."

Travis smiles sadly at me.  "Sal," He whispers, "I think your beautiful.  Inside and out.  Because...

"Because I love you."

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