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Sal's POV
Travis opens the stall door and steps out.  His face is red and stained with tears.  His eyes look like they sting from crying.   His head is hung low and his eyes are down staring at his feet, which shuffle slightly.  One of his hands is touching the cross necklace hanging around his neck, his fingers rubbing it nervously. 

"I'm so sorry," he chokes, his voice echoing with sadness and guilt.  I'm so very sorry for how I've treated you." 

"Travis, it's ok," I comfort.  "I forgive you."  I open my arms wide, gesturing for him to hug me. 

Travis's POV
Sal opens up his arms for me, I guess wanting me to hug him.  I turn salmon pink across my bruised cheeks out of embarrassment.  Sal wants me to hug him.  I lean in onto his shoulder and wrap my arms tightly around his back.  He hugs me back, which makes me embarrassed, but it's comforting.  I can't conceal my emotions any more.  My mask of deceit slips from my face, revealing my true colors: guilt, pain, and greif.

I let out my feelings.  I sob heavily into Sal's shoulder.  He just squeezes me tighter and runs his dainty fingers through my messy blond hair.  He's so sweet.  How could I have been such an asshole to him?  He's so perfect. 

My pathetic sobbing comes to an end and I pull away from Sal's grasp.  My tear-filled eyes meet with his soft baby blue ones, shimmering and sparkling with a beautiful glow.  "I'm sorry," I blurt out, tears still running down my face.  "I never meant to hurt you.  I'm just... nevermind.  I don't- I can't talk about it.  I should go." 

Sal's POV
Travis looks tense and worried.  Tears steam up inside the corner of his eyes.  He seems so anxious.  I want to dig deeper, but I don't want to push him too far.

"It's ok," I whisper.  "You can leave if you need to."

Travis snatches up his bag and hurries towards the door. 

"Wait, Travis!" I shout to grab his attention.  The boy turns his head around to face me.  I pause for a moment, an awkward silence filling the room.  "Just know that I'm here for you if you need someone.  I care about you."  Maybe I shouldn't have said the last part, because Travis's face blossoms red with embarrassment.  Nevertheless, he nods and gives me a sweet, melancholy smile before exiting the bathroom. 

I feel good.  I feel happy.  I'm glad I was able to brake the outer shell and see his softer side.  I'm glad he showed his feelings to me instead of hiding his sadness with abusing me. 

I exit shortly after Travis and make my way over to the lunch room.

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