Stay Alive for Me

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Sal's POV
My heart drops.  I let go of Travis's hand.  In front of us stands Larry.  I never told him that Travis and I are dating. 

"What the..." Larry coughs, his eyes wide and his mouth gaping.  "Sal, what... I mean, Travis?!"  Larry looks horrified and disgusted.  I droop my head.  Travis tenses up, his eyes clenched tight.  "Don't tell anyone!" he blurts out.  Larry looks disturbed.  "Sal, are you and Travis... dating?"  I nod my head.  Tears form in the corner of Travis's dark eyes.  Larry huffs and rolls his eyes.  "Ok, whatever weirdo.  Dating your bully?  I don't get it, Sal."  Larry storms off out of the building. 

I look at Travis.  He has calmed down a bit since Larry left, but he is still pretty tense.  "Come on," I say, taking his hand again and leading him to the elevator. 
Travis leans his head on my shoulder, burrying his face in the crook of my neck.  His hair smells nice, like lavender and soap.  His body is warm next to mine as we cuddle together underneath the soft quilts.  He is comforting. 

The door unlocks, a few seconds later, in walks Dad, arms full of grocery bags.  "Heya, Sal," he says, giving me a stupid grin.  "Is Travis staying the night again?" he asks, setting the bags on the counter.  "Uh, yeah," I say, getting up to help him unbag the groceries.  "He had a... an accident at home, and he needs somewhere safe to stay."  Dad nods his head in agreement.  "It's cool.  He can stay anytime he needs to."
After Dad left for a midnight shift at work, Travis and I get in my bed together, huddling up together beneath the warm quilts. 

"I love you so much, Sally Face," Travis whispers in my ear gently and sweetly.  He pulls me close to his warm body.  I burry my face in his chest to hide my blushing and stupid smile.  "When we get older, I want us to live together.  I don't want to go a day without you.  You're an angel, you know that?  You're too perfect for this world."  Travis strokes my blue hair and kisses the top of my head. 

"Sal, can you promise me something?"

"Anything, Trav."

"Will you never leave me?  Can you be my boyfriend forever?  Or until you become... my, uh, husband?"  Travis's face burns red with blush, a smile blossoming on his face.  I smile back.  "Of course, Travis.  I would never leave you," I say, beaming wide.  Travis pulls me closer.  "I'm glad," he whispers, pulling me into a sweet, long kiss.

After a while, I pull away.  Travis frowns.  "What's wrong?" he asks. 

I sigh.  "I want to ask why."

"Why what?"

"Why did you try to kill yourself?"

Travis goes silent, tears developing in the corner of his eyes.  "I'm sorry, I just-" 

"No, it's ok, Sal," Travis says at last, drying his eyes.  "I-uh, I knew that with Father knowing, he would make sure I never saw you again.  I didn't want to live in a world without you.  That's why."

Silence lingers about the room.

"Just stay alive for me," I say, breaking the silence.  "I love you."

"I love you too," Travis says, sealing his lips against mine.    

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