46 | Oops

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"Hold on! So Emiko actually talks??"

I stared at my new friends with wide eyes. Akito had let them in while I was arguing with my uncle about his yelling at 2 am. We'd gotten a complaint from the neighbors because he'd left the windows open.

Shouto was sitting on the couch opposite my uncle, casually drinking tea as I argued. My friends had walked in while I was in the middle of a sentence, I only knew because Shouto had interrupted me with a calm, "Emiko."

Shiro grinned at me. "Course she does, she just doesn't want to speak in front of you guys because you're idiots."

I smiled in relief as everyone relaxed and Hikaru hit the back of his head. "Mean!"

Kazumi glanced at me. "It's because of your quirk isn't it."

I nodded and glanced sharply at the hallway my uncle was attempting to escape to. "Uncle Yamada!" I snapped. He froze and turned quickly, smiling nervously. I crossed my arms as everyone began laughing.

"I just thought I'd get out of your way! I mean, your friends are here and clearly you all have some talking to do! So I thought I'd just go up to my room and write an apology letter!"

Tadashi laughed. "Dude, I never thought I'd see a hero being schooled by Emiko."

Daichi nodded vigorously. "Didn't think she'd be related to that hero either. You've got secrets Emi!"

I smiled shyly at them, noticing my uncle run down the hall and escape up the stairs. I gestured at the couches and sat beside Shouto, who was still sipping his tea.

Hitoshi grinned at me first. "So, you can in fact talk, but only Shiro knew?"

I nodded nervously. Shiro flashed me a comforting grin, but Shouto's warmth beside me did more for my nervousness.

Kazumi nodded. "Right, if its because of your quirk, what is it?"

"So we can understand better." Hikaru interrupted.

I glanced at my hands for a second. "I have a siren quirk."

"Really? Cool!" I smiled at Daichi, who genuinely looked excited. "Can you enchant people then?"

I nodded. "It's why I don't talk, I don't like enchanting people."

Hikaru made a face. "If I had your quirk I'd enchant people all day, starting with Hitoshi."

"Hey! Bro! What the hell?"

"You're loud and mean!"

"Thats Shiro and Daichi!"

Kazumi sighed as they all began fighting, tossing insults like water. "It makes sense. I mean, I wouldn't want to enchant a bunch of people just trying to say hi."

"Emiko! Enchant Tadashi to be nice to me! Please!"

I laughed lightly and shook my head. "No."


"Ha! You fool!" Tadashi tackled the male to the ground. "Emiko loves me too much to enchant me!"

Kazumi looked away blankly. "I'd enchant you."


Everyone laughed again, and I felt relaxed. This was all I wanted, someone who I loved and loved me, and a lot of friends who weren't horrified by my secret.

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