the truth

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It was getting to close for the child of ciphers birthday i had to tell the truth atleast to someone to ensure the safety of the child but who? Do i tell the peaple who live with the child?? If i dont tell anyone then all eyes would be on me and peaple may be confused or get hurt if they dont know what to do the time comes for di- the child to reunite with his father and it would be MUCH easier to stop bill from taking back his child we cant let him have the child due to some research i have learned that this child was destned for many things it is said that this child may have the same power as bill maybe even more i cant take the risk i HAVE to tell someone

I sighed and and got up from my lab and headed to the elavator as i pressed the button to the top and the elavator closed leaving me in this small space with nohing but a dim worn out bearly working lightbulb as opens again letting the light poor in throught the door as i exit the elavator to find mabel and stan

I went in the kitchen and saw mabel who was drinking her pink glittery mabel juice wich had a...unicorn? Inside ah! Whatever im loosing my focus i have to tell them about what is soon to come


Uuuuh i hate this last night when mabel had a sleepover i had to stay in the bathroom constantly washing my face over and over to get that "makeup" off and the fact that mabel still had some of that golden powder left and blew it on my face so i had that to clean aswell now im just sitting down in the kitchen reading jurnal 3 and eating some cereal while mabel was drinking her.......mabel juice

FORDS POV (again)

I decided to reveal myself soon after as i stepped into the kitchen and was greeted by the twins "HEY GEUNKLE FORD!!" Mabel said as she continued to chug down her mabel juice as i just earned a wave from dipped he must be tired from last night i did hear what seemed to be a scream from upstairs last night but me and stan wouldnt dare go upstairs when mabel and her friends had "girl time" but thats beside the point

"Mabel i would need you to come meet me in the lab" i said as she nods excited and i turn my head to the enterance of the living room "YOU TO STANLEY!" I said out loud making sure he would be able to hear me and i seems like he did cause i hear a groan and i smiled proudly but my little victory was shortly lived that now i have to face a new problem "grunkle ford what about me??" A voice said from behind me i turned around to see dipper confused and let out a sigh "dipper i know you can be helpful and you are very intelligent for your age but now mabel and stan would be more helpful in this situation" i said looking down at him as he looks down "oh....." he said obviously in dissapointed as i kneeled down on one knee an put my hand on his shoulder "listen dipper dont get me wrong you are extremely helpful in my research and scavanging the alien spaceship (you know from that one episode) and i will call you if i need any assistantce but please understand" i said as he looks up at me "yeah......i understand grunkle ford" he said as i smiled at him and he gave a small smile back and stand up and make my way to the elevator vending machine as mabel and stanley follow behind me and we make it to my lab

"Whats this about grunkle ford? You usually pick dipper for these kinds of nerdy things" mabel said as she tilted her head slightly in confusion "yeah what the kid said" stanley said signalling to mabel as i let out a sigh and pull out some documents from a drawer and hand it to stan as he stared at it confused and opens it as i see his espression change from a monotone bored one to that shocked worried expression "BILL HAS A SON?!" he said in suprise pulling the document file away from his face as i nod and mabel seemed more confused now "bill has a son?" She asked as i decided to explain to them about wht happened and who exactly is bill ciphers son "before i was trapped by bill in the other dimension back when me and bill to say i visited the mindscape one day to banish bill and thats when i saw his soon as i finished banishing bill i found his son in a crib i soon remembered when i first came to gravity falls and conducted my research i came across something that explained the prophesy of bills other words bills son was very powerfull maybe even more powerfull than his father so i had to hide him..i had to put hi  in a normal family for as long as possible so bill would not use him to take over the world but soon enough it is said that by age 13 the child would be able to use his power to the fullest sending a wave of enery making every demon know.....there doom would soon come and is a beacon for bill to know where exactly his son is wich is why i had to tell you guys this" i said as mabel ad stan seemed a bit to shocked as i let my words sink in "wait so who is bills son??" Mabel asked as i looked at her "...the child...had a very distinct feature on him to make him stamd out from the rest.........the birthmark of the little dipper on his head" i said as mabel was shocked " cant be" she said looking up at me "dipper" she finished her sentence and i nodded sadly as sbe looked down tears in her eyes "no d...dipper is my twin he's my bro" she said as i sighed nd placed a hand on her shoulder "listen mabel i know it hurts but thats not why i called both of you here" i said as they both looked at me "i called you here so we can protect dipper from bill on your guys birhday" i said as they looked at me and mabel wiped her tears nodding " heres what were gonna do-"



It was night when we where done talking about what to do as i went upstairs and saw dipper sleeping and smiled "its ok bro-bro even if you arent my bro from family you would still be my twin" i said climbing into be and drifting to sleep

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