the silence of late night dinners

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It suprisingly didnt take long for me to finish all the books as i sighed and leaned back on the chair bored as i looked at the shelves that where lined with book after book and while i was excited at first i was kinda getting abit tired

I decided to head back to my room as i slid the chair out of its position making a loud creeking sound making me cringe abit as i stood up and put it back

I walked to the huge doors as i opened them and stepped into the dark empty hallways and somehow managed to navigate my way back to my room as i sucked in a breath and grabbed the door knob before twisting it as he peeked inside and sighed in relief as he the dream demon was no where to be found

He walked inside and closed the door behind him as he sat down on his bed taking in the silence that flowed swiftly around him creating a silent sound

He stared down at the ground for abit before he looked back at the yellow doll that rested softly against the pillow as he grabbed it and layed down gripping the stuffed doll as he slowly took in the silent screams that where to loud for him to take as i watched him grip onto the doll silently begging for his fathers comfort unkowing of his very own emotions and thoughts as he transitions into a different person ever so slowly

I watched as he suffered silently alone in this dark empty loudly quiet prison that held human,monster and demon

I watched my son as he suffered silently and slowly begged for the man that i oh so foolishly fell inlove with and gave my life for as i watched him poorly take of our son


I layed down on my bed as my ears ringed with silence that made them feel like they where about to blow

So loud...yet silent

I stared at the wall gripping onto the doll as i refused to take in the pair of eyes that i felt where latching onto me making me feel like deer in the headlights

A comforting dred that filled the animal as it stared into the eyes of death unknowingly heading head first into death

But since i WASNT a dear caught in the blinding lights of a car i refused to succumb to the loud silence of the maze like mansion that was a husk of its more colorful form

But i knew it was hopeless....

I felt my eyelids become heavier as i felt myself fail to do a simple task as i slowly drifted to sleep still gripping into the doll as i fell into a sleepless dream that was black yet full of colors that made me stare into an abyss

So dark,meaningless and untrustworthy yet......colorful,beautiful and mesmorising it was almost as if you could stare at it for hours on end without a rest

A dark monotone dangerous place yet to me it was so bright filled with colorful personalities yet so mysterious and broken

Its almost as if the bright colorful lights where now left with an inky black darkness that flowed smoothly and swiftly that it almost seemed as if it has always been that way with would most likely mislead anyone who hasnt witnessed the bright yellow light

I felt myself being drifted apart from my little world beyond reality as i was pulled back into the "real" world

I was on my bed the doll beside me as my eyes scanned my room wich seemed unscaved as i sat up to get a better look of my room as i notice something on my desk as i stood up and walked to the desk so i could see the object clearer since the blue light of the moon wasnt enough

I was shocked as i looked at the plate of food that was resting on my desk as i frantically looked around to make sure if no one was here

But i was right no one was there the room was empty and silent not the loud silence but...silent.....just....silent

I looked back over at the plate of food...

It was still warm

(I was writing...and 12k.....really guys? Why?! But anyways *cough* how are your braincells after this chapter?)

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