another day with uncle- shit where did he go?!

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Dipper had been staying with his dad for a few months now, it had almost been a year (or atleast, he thinks it was) since he's been with his dad, he's gotten better at controlling his powers and getting more used to the chaos that plagued his new home, he has met other demons before, besides Will and Bill but the where mostly they're to find me, go for Bill or Will or are just old friends that wanted to get "back in touch" with him, for whatever reason

This made me wonder whether I have grandparents or not, or atleast, if they're anything like Bill and Will, I mean I know there demons and well, demons are.... demons they have a certain bloodlust in them and I would be lying if i said I didn't possibly feel it to at times, but I just wonder if my grandparents either, shove that sense down, or do they embrace it?

I was sitting at my desk and looking out the window with sheer boredom plastered on my face as I let out a sigh and and basically smashed my head against my desk letting out a groan in pain and yes, boredom

I heard knocking coming from my door as I instantly straightened up and turned to the door "come on!" I said loudly so whoever was on the other side of the door could hear me clearly, the door creaked open and a head with kept blue hair peeked in, "oh! Hi uncle Will" I said smiling and he smiled back, I haven't seen Will in awhile, he said his masters had him up more now cause they apparently have a big show or something??

Anyways, Will stepped into my room "so, alcor I was h-heading out to your dimension to....d-deal with something..." he said nervously and I could tell he was trying to avoid eye contact "I was wondering i-if you would like to c-come?" He asked and I vidibly lightened at this, I bolted out of my chair "yes!" I said excitedly and I heard him let out a small shreik from me just bouncing out of my chair infront of him, he composed himself quickly tho and smiled softly at me "ok, lets go" he said lending out a hand to me and I happily accepted as we teleported to gravity falls

I stared at the familiar forest of gravity falls as I felt a pang of nostalgia hit me hard, Will began walking while explaining what he was suppose to do and that I should stay hidden, I looked around some more and noted that the creatures didn't seem to be to interested in tearing me apart as much as they where when I was human

I let out a hum as Will continued to explain, he took a pause before continuing, what was he gonna do again?, i think he paused cause he was trying not to say anything particularly gory but its almost unavoidable if your a demon like Bill or Will things are bound to get messy, i learned that from my dad, a familiar pink sweater caught my eye as I saw it slip behind the trees and to another direction, I felt my heart stop 'I miss her' I thought truthfully as I looked up at Will 'he won't mind I assured myself as I stopped walking and sure enough he continued rambling about his work

But unlike Bill he would notice the missing teen alot faster so I had to act fast, I teleported away and followed where Mabel must have gone, in the distance I could hear a panicked Wil curse and I couldn't help but smirk at that

I came across the mystery shack as I heard murmurs coming from inside, I sneaked to the front door and heard grunk- Stanford and stanly talk to Mabel, dissapointpent was evident in they're voices but also relief, i assume Mabel might have snuck off, i also heard two more voices which i soon recognized to be her friends Candy and Brenda who's voices where filled with worry and relief

I sucked in a breath and knocked on the door, the voices stopped as i heard footsteps coming towards the door and i tensed up when grun- stanford opened it and looked down at me with shock in his face, soon enough everyone had also made theyre way to the door and looked at me with shock in they're eyes, but soon enough they began to tear up as i stood theyre akwardly "h-hey gu-" i was cut off "DIPPER!" They all shouted as they ran over to me and tackled me in a hug and I couldn't help but laugh

I was in they're bone crushing hug for awhile until they all let go "how did you get here?!" Mabel asked looking at me with shocka s she wiped the tears from her eyes "i kinda...snuck out?" I said scratching the back of my neck, I felt a sharp pang of guilt when I remembered Will's worried voice that echoed through the forest

Mabel playfully punched my arm "thats my bro" she said and I smiled, though it did feel quite uncomfortable when I now know that I know that we're not blood related, but I still see her as a sister one way or another, Stanford gently touched the small bat wings on my back and I heard him mutter "interesting..." I let out a nervous chuckle at that, they ushered me inside, we have alot of catching up to do


If I knew the hell that was about to happen...

I definitely wouldn't have went to the mystery shack...

(OK, ok listen, I know this chapter is short, but my God 41k reads!? Wtf guys? This story isn't necessarily even good, hell I barely know where this story is gonna end!! But either way, my fucking god- THANK YOU)

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