you wont take him!

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Will didn't need to be a genius to know where his nephew was thats for sure, it was pretty obvious that the kid would've went back to his old home, after i.....expressed my anger I think i would be able to contain myself enough to not rip the pines into shreds

He didn't have any promises tho...

As his feet crunched against the grass which was thankfully not burning- he took his time to somewhat admire his surroundings as he gazed upon the seemingly familiar grounds of the forest, he, his brother and theyre friend had maybe, somewhat, enchamted the forest? They made it so that humans would get lost or run around in circles as the trees twisted and bended when out of sight, he wondered if his part of the forest was still there, the soft blue glow that shrouded the dark area lighting it up as blue bugs soared across the air, the gentle rippling of water as it passed cut through the landscape seemingly pulling the whole thing together, he remembered being so proud of it, he remembered showing it to his brother and friend, it was to calm for his brothers taste but his friend found it nice since it was an escape from Bill's chaos

He remember hands softly placed under his cheek, he remember being pulled closer, he remembered the feeling of soft lips against is, he remembered the hands that snaked around his waist, he remembered wrapping his arms around his neck pulling them closer and closer, he remembered being pushed to the ground as the figure towered above him, he remembered a soft embrace, he remembered the time they spent together...

He shook his head immediately shaking those thoughts away from his mind 'you don't miss him'  he thinks as he looks up at the blue sky letting out a sigh 'God knows where he is anyways...' that was the last thought he had before he kept walking towards the mystery shack


It was fun and Dipper was glad to finally see the people who took care of him again, they talked and catched up with eachother, hell, Dipper even showed them his powers and they where ofcourse, impressed, tho they all laughed (except Dipper)  Mabel pointed out she was still the alpha twin

That word didn't really sit well with Dipper to say the least, he was used to his name "Dipper" being correlated to him so he didn't have a problem with everyone calling him Dipper instead of Alcor, but the fact that they weren't even real siblings kinda caught up to Dipper, I mean, he sees her as a sister not gonna lie, but he just kinda needs to get used to it

Now he was listening to Mabel and her friends ramble on about theyre "findings" which wasn't much if not really anything, Mabel mentioned the treehouse he saw as he began to speculate what purpose it would have since it was obviously correlated with the two brothers, but the thought felt kinda off, almost as if theyre was a third presence somewhere....but where?

They talked and talked happily as they munched on some snacks until they heard a knock on the door

Dipper went up to get it but stanford had managed to get to it first as Dipper turned to Mabel, Candy and Grenda, all of them sharing a look of worry, theyre little exchange of silent words was cut off when they heard Stanford yelling which obviously got the attention of everyone as they made they're way to the door and saw Stanford shouting at a man with blue hair and- oh shit its uncle will

Stanley had to tear his brother away from the door as he tried to keep him from punching uncle Will who peared in and caught sight of Dipper

Dipper froze but he eazed when Will didn't seem mad, didn't SEEM mad atleast, Wil cleared his throat as he called out "Alcor? Come on lets head home before your father decides to throw a tantrum" Will said trying to hide a smirk on his face and Dipper had to chuckle slightly at that, hell even the three girls smiled, they seemed to sense that Will won't be as rough as Bill, but stanford was not taking the chance

"You won't take him!" he shouted angrily as he tried to slam the door which Stanley knew would probably just piss off the demon as he yanked his brother back, Dipper peered at Will again who was looking more bored and seemed somewhat glad? All Will knew was that he woukd rather have to deal with this then let his thoughts roam towards his childhood crush

Will seemed to sense the unwillingness from Dipper as he bit his lip and let his mind focus on what could possibly happen if he made his decision, but the look in his nephews eyes as he saw him made the decision for him

He let out a sigh as he rubbed the temple of his forhead "30 minutes" he said simply as all of them froze and stared at him confused "what?" Stanford asked finally stopping to look at the blue man who looked back at him with piercing blue eyes "you can stay for 30 minutes" Will clarified as Dipper felt a smile scretch across his face as he pushed around the men and hugged his uncle, uncle will stumbled abit but when he found his balance he patted the head of his nephew and smiled

"Thanks uncle Will" Dipper said giving Will one final squeeze before hopping back in the house to answer the questions of his "sisters" who was freaking out when the word "uncle" slipped out of Dippers mouth, he explained to them that Will was Bill's brother as Stanford glared at Will who happily glared back making the man shrink back into the house

Will smiled in triumph as he waited outside and at at the steps, he stared into the forest letting the somewhat familiar landscape sick, his eye caught on a familiar blue as he jumped up and looked towards where he thought he saw the blue, he seems to be mistaken however, he walked towards where he thought he saw the blue, he looked around letting out a sigh in frustration 'why do I even care?' He wondered as he looked around once again, a small thought entered his mind as bit his lip

"Tad?" He called out looking around once more, yep, nothing, he let out a sigh of frustration as he turned back to the shack, he was mid step on his way back when he felt something rush behind him, he immediately turned but saw nothing, but something on the floor caught his attention as he leaned down and picked it up, a blue rose

He felt blood rush to his face as his cheeks where dusted with a shade of red as he blushed, he couldn't help but smile slightly as remembered his old "friend"

He pressed it against his chest letting some of the memories flush in of him he smiled as he made his way back to the mystery unaware of the two demons that where eyeing him, both dont known about the others presence and both are unaware of the chaos they would cause as both eyes preyed on the demon, both thinking one thing...

How cute...


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