a discussion over breakfast

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DIPPERS POV (15k wth :0)

I woke up like usual exept not in geavity falls but in the mindscape on my bed wichnwas obviously more better and comfortable than the one in gravity falls

I got up amd stretched as i looked around the room to find it the same except the dishes (from the food that he ate last night) where gone and i guess bill took it while i was asleep or something

I brushed my kinda sharp teeth and combed my fluffy brown hair into place so it wont stick out in randome places and put on a black hoodie and a pair of jeans since i wasnt to comfortable in the clothes that bill....offered me since i wasnt really high class

I sighed as i looked at myself in the mirror not to use to my look as i grabbed my cap from my desk and put it on smiling at the fact that i had something from gravity falls still with me

As i had this sudden urge to go downstairs so i sighed and put on my cap and since i decided that it might be abit to dangerous to walk around with the journal i decided to hide it under my pillow instead and i know it might not be the best hiding spot in the world but its safer that way to make sure no one takes it

I went outside into the hallway as i followed the invisible guide down the stairs as i enter the living room and all of a sudden the force seemed to have dissapeared leaving me alone in the empty and quiet living room so i took the chance to look around

It was nothing to special it was basically as if you took the northwest mansion and doubled it since this place looked more nice and you get that feeling that even pacifica's mouth would drop if she was here

I jumped slightly when i heard a "domi-" i heard a voice say but it cut itself off "dipper" it corrected itself as i turned around to face the almighty dream demon that was standing behind the dinner table

"Yes?" I asked my voice was soft, a little bit to soft and it felt like it was almost a whisper as i felt relieved when bill responded so i knew he somehow heard me "its almost time for breakfast" he said simply as i nodded and walked towards the dinner table as i still felt quite uneasy around bill

We sat in opposite sides of the table as we sat in silence and of course it was very much akward and just sat there before bill cleared his throat before he snapped his fingers and all of a shdden pancakes appeared as we began to eat in silence

While yes it was weird that bill was offerjng me food and i was hesitant but this is my DAD so i began eating

We where both almost done with our breakfast when bill said something that some readers might like "so....DIPPER i was thinking if we could do some training with your powers since your pretty much new to being a demon" he said simply as i froze


(Ok...18k.....wtf.....why? Just....why?and also sorry that this chap was prettyy short its 7AM rn)

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