a treehouse in ruin

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Mabel had shot up as she gasped for air letting in shallow breaths as her heart began to thump out of her chest and slowly began to slow down before it had fully stopped as she let out a sigh of relief and turned to her surroundings

She had just realized the bright vibrant blue that shone all around her as she got to her feet and walked around determined to find her way back home,she looked down on the small puddles of glowing blue water as she saw some fish and human like figures dance around in the pools gracefully

She thought she saw something a much more darker shade of blue,almost appearing green swim past the surface,it almost looked to big to even fit inside the pool as it sunk into the shadows but mabel just chalked it up to being here imagination,she got up from her feet and began walking around making sure to not step on any puddles of water as it seemed that you can get lost and sink in it you step on one of them

She looked at the glowing blue flowers as they shone with grace further complimented by the random balls of more glowing blue that shone around her gracefully

She had decided to follow the seemingly glowing river as she walked along the edge taking note of her beautiful surroundings and making a mental note to pass by here every now and then

She walked past a few trees as light filled her vision and she reached up to cover her eyes, she stood there blinking to try to get her eyes to adjust to the sudden light being shone in her face after being in such a dark place for awhile

Her eyes soon adjusted to the brightness as she slowly lowered her arms and looked around for abit to scan her surroundings, she was in a field and there was a tree house sitting on a small tree in the middle of the field she stood in as she eyes it carefully before she sucked in a breath and began walking to the mysterious tree house

She looked at the wooden ladder that was nailed into the tree as she eyed it skeptically before making a decision as she reached up and grabbed a part of the ladder before pulling herself up and was quite surprised seeing how sturdy the decades old looking was before continuing to climb the ladder until she reached the entrance and pulling herself up inside the tree house

She looked around at the dusty tree house scanning the surroundings and eyeing the floor skeptically before she placed her foot on one of the boards hearing a small creaking sound but other than that it was pretty solid so she begam slowly walking around the tree house

She saw an empty table and an empty shelf as she continued to scan the inside of treehouse as she made her way to the window as she reached out to the slingshot as she picked it off the window and examined it

The slingshot upon closer inspection, had yellow like straps thay wrapped around the handle and a blue triange on the middle as she looked at it for abit longer before simply placing it back on the window and making her way to the pile the rocks, she examined most of the rocks, most of them had either a blue or yellow triange on them, she was intrigued by the blatant symbolism but she couldn't quite put a finger on what it might mean even tho, deep down she knew

She felt a sudden feeling of being watched as she turned and looked outside the window and into the forest, she saw a man standing there, he seemed to have a bowler hat on and a similar eyepatch to Bill  on  his eye but it seemed like it was a different shape

She was about to say something or atleast scream or yelp in shock, but the man dissapeared before she could even say anything as she stared for a second at where the man once was before

She soon decided that that was all as she placed the rocks back in a pile before making her way down the ladder and walked over to where she came in having the intent to make her way back home and share this information she found...

(Edit: change of plans its Will x Tad now-)

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