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The one thing Will was sure off was that it was past 30 minutes, hell maybe even past an hour, he found himself somewhat entranced as he loomed over the journal and gazed upon the creatures that litered its pages, it was so nostalgic to him that he couldn't look away, he found himself sitting on the porch and reading intently

He head the door open and someone sit on a chair beside the porch with a huff, he didn't give it attention before it started to speak to him "look, I know that your his real family and all...." the grumpy old man said, unlike the scientist this one wore a dirty white shirt and had a fez hat, Will decided to spare him a glance, he saw abit of fear and uncertainty in the man's eyes "and that you care for him....but he grew up with us and......." the old man let out a sigh and Will just about jnew what he was trying to do

Will sighed as he calmly closed the book although the smacking sound as the paper hit paper made the old man flinch "i can see what I can do" Will said and gruncle Stan looked at him in shock "w-wait really?" He asked facing the light blue demon who nodded "I can tell that al-......dipper...likes it here with his friends and all I want is for him to be happy" he said as he gazed at the forest a memory of a blue demon flashed in his mind as he did so "...and safe"

Grunkle Stan caught a flasg of sadness in the demons eye but he didn't have time to question it before they heard something run down the stairs and out of the mystery shack catching both of their attention

Dipper was chasing Mabel and her friends around, Will saw that Mabel was holding something as she ran but he couldn't get a good look at it to properly see what it was "Mabel!" Dipper said angrily as Mabel threw it in the air at Grenda who was about to catch it but Dipper had used his powers and the object was surrounded in a green light before it appeared in his hands

Dipper let out a small cheer of victory but was soon cut off as Will teleported beside him also floating "whats that pinetree?" Will asked as he tried to get a look at what was in Dippers hands but it was soon shielded as he hid it behind his back "nothing!" Dipper said looking away, Will simply looked at Dipper for abit before Dipper deflated and let out a sigh

He pulled out a tophat with a green strap behind his back, he looked away shyly "its nothing, I just thought..since you and dad had your then...why not make mine?" He said looking away shyly as Will gently plucked it from his hands and examined it, it was like his and Bill's, well, minus the strap, they had a colored strap around theres aswell before but he guessed they grew out of it and simply took it off, like most demons, theyre more colorful self being left in the dust and replaced with a black exterior

Will chuckled as he softly placed it on Dippers head who froze "it suits you" Will mused and you could see a faint smile on Dippers face


At this point Will and Dipper where just waiting for Bill to track them down and come here in a flurry of anger so they can talk about a system where Dipper could be shared by all of them

Right now they where just sitting in the living room watching ducktective, Will was about to comment on its lack of anything realistic but he found himself get more and more entangled in the show until he was sitting in the floor cross leged with all his attention on the TV, he could sense the amusement the others felt once they realized just how focused Will was before also turning they're attention to the TV

Tho the calmness was cut off as the floor rumbled and laughter could be heard echoing around them "OH STANFORD" Bills booming voice called from above as Stanford was about to reach down for his gun only to be stopepd by Will who glared at him dangerously

Suddenly in a flash of yellow Bill had appeared in the living room right infront of them "WHERE IS MY-will?" His voice immediately dropped at the sight of his blue brother who smiled akwardly and waved


It was actually pretty anticlimactic,well, as anticlimactic as it could get, there where abit of scorched marks here and there and they would need a new TV but atleast the mystery shack was still in one piece, they had decided that Dipper would have one week with Bill in the mindscape and another week in gravity falls, the final week he could just bounce from either one

Dipepr had plopped on his old bed as he let out a content sigh, Mabel was outside the room talking to her friends and his dad and uncle where sitting outside the widnow opposite of eachother, if Dipper didn't know better he would say that it was almost like mirror

They where both looking off into the seemingly unending forest and Dipper was about to say soemthing to break the barrier of silence they had created until he heard someone call him from  downstairs and he jumped off the bed and exited the room leaving the two brothers behind

They both stared into the forest both of their heads in the clouds as Will curled up pushing his legs against his chest and hugging his legs, the movement made Bill look at him confused, but the moment he saw the look in Will's eyes he let out a knowing sigh "miss him?" He asked catching Will slightly off guard before he grounded himself "no" he said turning to his brother as if to fight his stare

But as the eyes met Will shrunk under his brothers gaze, the yellow eyes could see straight past the blue eyed demons lies and Will turned away to the forest "maybe.." he corrected himself and Bill seemed satisfied with the answer and turned back to the window

"I wonder what he's up to now" Will said leaning against the window frame and looking into the night, his eyes scanning for anything that might remind him of the blue demon he had unmistakably grew closer to, Bill chuckled at that as he remembered his old friend "i dunno, probably enslaving dimensions, you know him" he said laughing abit and Will looked down smiling at that but Bill could see the hint of sadness in the blue eyes

His brother was always a fragile one, he had a heart of glass which was opposite of his brothers so Bill wasn't surprised when he found out that Will had gotten ensnared into a relationship before him, but he was surprised that Will and his best friend ended up coming together, he hadn't seen them really talk or hang out after they're little get together in the field so you can imagine his surprise when he just so happened to catch him and his best friend just about making out near the bioluminescent river, and one explanation and threatening later he was cool with him and Will being a thing

When they broke up Will hadn't been the same, he had seemed to shrink and was succumbing to his "masters" wishes, it seemed like Will was getting worse and worse, and when Bill was trapped and had dissapeared for god knows how long Will seemed to have gotten worse, he became more of a pushover and a pet to the dirty twins that abused his brother

When he had escaped Will semed normal but he could see the mask his brother had on as pretended to still be able to keep himself up, when Bill had almost died he saw Will crumble down into despair as he thought he had lost the only family member that ever really cared for him, he enjoyed the memory lf the hug they shared when Bill had seemingly came back from the dead and the two brother embraced eachother, the twins where back

And Will was able to rebuild that tower back again once Alcor was back in the picture and they're little family grew, now however

It semed as if Bill had teleported to the past and Will was crumbling before his eyes all over again, while he was able to keep up the act infront of his nephew and even Bill himself he knew his brother to well to not see the sadness that reflected in his brothers and Bill cursed to himself

Once he gets his hands on that floppy disk he swears he will rip him limb from limb for causing his brother so much pain

(Kinda got off topic int he end, sorry but im bored and I wanted to update this thing real quick)

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