a forest of mystery

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It was me and mabels birthday! I mean...i kind of forgot but someone gladly reminded me in the most "polite" way possible

~flaaaaaassshhhhhbaaaaack~ (anyone get the reference?)

I woke up to what i hope was a peacefull morning but....no such luck existed for me of course

My eyes fluttered open as i sat up and yawned stretching my arms out and just then i heard something rush over to my bed and grab my shoulders shaking me back and forth

"DIIIIPPEEEEERRRR!!!!!" The figure wich was obviously mabel said still shaking me as she did this for god know ps how long before stopping as i felt pretty dizzy

"Y...yeah i kn...know" i said still swaying a bit and my words slurred a bit but mabel just grinned as she jumped of my bed and ran to kitchen to remind the stans that it was our "special" day

~end of flashback~

I sighed as i grabbed my cap and headed down stairs as grunkle stan reminded us to stay away from the back and i was pretty sure that thats where our "suprise" party was suppose to be

I sighed and we ate our breakfast wich seemed to be extra delicious wich was probably cause grunkle stan wanted us to have a good birthday or something

(The rest was written 1 month after and sorry i sort of forgot this stpry existed)

I finished my stancakes as i stood up and passed  mabel who was chugging down god knows how much mabel juice and i went outside "where you going dip-dop?" Mabel asked looking at me confused as she finally stopped shoving the mabel juice in her mouth

"Just heading out to fill out the journal" i said as i pointed to it in my hands and mabel just nodded and continued drinking her mabel juice as i closed the door behind me and bagan walking into the forest feeling the light breeze and the smell of pine fill my nose as i sighed in relief and walked deeper into the forest

I opened the journal to a specific page as i took out a paper from it and opened it up

It was a map of the places i explored in gravity falls its funny how this town is small but the forests seemed to go on for forever like a wormhole where no matter how far you go you would never see the end of it

Like how if this forest ever dissapeared gravity falls would be reduced and.....crumble

Sort of like how the world works actually how the town would represent humanity and the forest was nature the moment its gone everything would fall apart and it would be a ghost of its former self (just a little input cause global warming SUCKS)

But anyway....

I looked at the map as i continued walking passing rock and the waterfall as i made sure no one saw me since they might question why im here as i continued walking to an unexplored part of the forest and looked aroung

The vegitation was thick (thiccccccccc) as the trees blocked most of the light only letting the certain rays of sun that where lucky enough to slip past the thick trees and branches as rock where lettered across the place as a light appeared in my eyes and i was filled with excitement cause of it i never saw this part of gravity falls before as i run forward puting the journal in my vest as i climbed ovee a boulder wich was blocking my path and landed safely on my feet

I walked past trees as i took a look at some weird blue glowing mushrooms that where illuminating the dark forest as the thick vegitation covered the suns gentle rays as i continued walking

There where weird vegitation as i looked at a plant i never saw befor as i went over to touch it and as soon as my finger made contact with the plant it curled away as i began to hear some running water?

I walk towards the sound and see it was indeed a minature waterfall as it poured into a lake that was illuminating a light blue glow as i look down into it my eyes fixated on what seems like small figures dancing under the water as i leaned into it a bit to much and i lost my balance and fell in with a big splash making whatever figures that where there retreat leaving me to sink into the abyss as i look around confused

Then a small water figure looks at me confused and i also where confused i looked around and the small water creature stared at eachother than me and one swam to me but it more seemed like it walked  over (you know the sort of like water faries or something) and went to touch my forhead and as soon as it made contact i saw a flash of bright light the blinded me quickly and i pulled back aand the figure moved back aswell as it seemed shock even tho there werent any actual features on its face

I soon sunk intot the black inky abyss at the bottom as i spaced out for a bit but soon snapped back when i looked around at the pitch black darkness

And i felt something swim behind me....

I felt all my hares stand up as i turned arounf only to face the darkness as i felt it swim behind me again over and over and everytime i went to turn to face it i was met with darkness whatever was hiding within the shadows was circling me....

And it was big...

I reached in my pocket and pulled out a flashlight and turned it on and pointed it at whatever was circling around me and honestly...

....i wish i didnt

..what i saw was a huge crocodile like creatire it was hug with white dead eyes staring right into my soul and just looking at it for one second and i could only tell one thing....

...it was hungry

The reptile launched itself at me but was stopoed when one pf the water creatures slammed into it pushing it over slightly as i as it seemed to get its attention and the reptile turned to it and opened its jaws to reveal thousands of rowed teeth but befpre it could harn the litts guy more of the water creatures showed and began attacking it often ramming it into the side for the reptile to keep away from me but just then i noticed something...

...i couldnt breath

I tried to hold my breath a bit longer as my face turned slightly red and i saw one of the creatures notice my distress and began helping me up to the surface but it wasnt enough as i was heavier and more of the creatures came to help me up to the surface

But...i couldnt do it i let out a gasp as water filled my lungs and black spots covered my vision and all i could rememberwas how desperate the creatures tried to push me to the surface before i felt someone grab me and pull me up as my vision faded to black but i thought i heard a whisper coming from deep in the abyss

"Watch your back child for you are special in this universe as you are the only thing that can be used to calm down the beast and bring peace amongst dimension...but not let the darkness drag you into the abyss and make you a monster for you have a purpose"

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