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I was flotaing through darkness as i felt relaxed and peacefull as i was plunged into complete darkness but before anything else couldve happened i felt something grabbing my ankle

I soon jolted up and breathing heavily trying to recover from my dream and as i recovered i noticed i wasnt in my room as i looked around confused and i noticed the blue doll i had beside and the yellow one on the floor as i got out of the bed and picked up the doll and stared at it for awhile before resting it softly beside the blue doll

I looked around the room and i turned towards the door as i hesitated abit and walked towards the door and grabbed the door handle and turned it softly as i heard a click and opened it as i stept out into the empty hallway and looked around before closing the door behind me and began walking as i looked through a few doors

One was bathroom as i closed the door and opened another one it was like...an office? Something like that wich made me kind confused but i ignored it and closed the door and walked deeper into the hall as i came across 2 big doors as i grabbed the door handle and twisted it as the door opened with a slight creak making me jump slightly as i took a peak inside and my eyes widened

It was a library...

Books upon books littered the shelves that stood tall and proud as dipper thought of stepping in but decided against it figuring that it would be rude so now his objective is to find the owner of this place as he closed the door and continued walking

He saw a flight of stairs that led downstairs as he took a deep breath and walked downstairs the noise of his steps filling the empty mansion with its occasional creak as he finally reached the bottom and sighed in relief as he unkowingly walked into the living room

A long L shaped couch was there with a fireplace and a red carpet in the middle as he continued to walk and soon found himself in the kitchen as he looked at the knives hanging from there post and he looked at his reflection and he jumped back confused and looked back again

He had point ears and wings? On his back and if he wasnt confused of his sudden change in his clothing he is more now with his appearence as his gaze into his reflection stopped when he heard glass shatter behind him...

(Sorry this chapter was so short i fell asleep halfway through)

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