brother advice and summoning

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BILLS POV (thx for 7k guys qwq)

I looked down at my son who was passed out probably by the fact that memories would be gushing in his mind wich i was suprised how he didnt well....die if that happened to a normal human at that speed then there head would most likely pop like a balloon

I was sitting beside his bed and staring down at my baby boy who i basically missed his whole childhood, but atleast he's here now even tho being here might be a shock to him and he might be a little bit angry with me considering what i did to that god forsaken town

But you cant really blame me those idiots will pay for taking my son and for everything i did for them they deserved it

But of course sixer and his family had to get in the way and RUINED my plan brainwashing alcor in the process wich didnt really help there case as much as they would've liked wich only made me even more furious

I sighed to myself and closed my eyes rubbing my temples and looked back down at alcor hus breathing was steady and he seemed peaceful gripping on the two dolls of my and will that we had when we where children wich i was still pretty confused at how he managed to find them

I reached my hand down to my son and pet his fluffy brown hair wich oddly resembles his mothers as i let out another sigh feeling my mind start to wander more and more to my dead beloved but i just shrugged it off refusing to think of the low level dream demon that i fell for

I got up and walked out of the room ans entered the narrow empty halls that where drenched in darkness and the only sound that could be heard is the sodt clicking of my shoes that echoed throughout the empty halls

Will said he was gonna meet me in the garden so i took a swift left turn and open the door that led to the garden as suprising as it was the plants had color and they lit up the place abit

I stared at the scene and looked over to the far left and saw will kneeling down to the light blue flowers that emit a light blue glow and soft whispers could be heard from them, i always found those flowers quite annoying since the whispers seemed to be an endless suplt of words filled with pity, before i used to go to them for guidence and support but now its just pity that escaped the flowers petals

Anyways, i walked towards bill who was whispering back to the flowers and was probably filling them in about the recent events since they cant exactly leave this place

"Ahem" i said standing right behind him as he jumped slightly and stood up and wiped the dust of his coat and looked at me "what is it that you wanted to tell me?" I asked looking at him as he cleared his throat "oh-ummm y..yes!" He said akwardly in his normal will fasion making me sigh

"Well....i was j-just gonna ask you about w-what you would d-do with the s-sapling" he said stuttering "i plan on spending time with my son" was all i said as he looked over at me with and almost bored expression "o-ok but...have you e-ever thought of something s-specific?" He asked looking at me and i was about to interject but froze cause...i honestly i have no idea what i would do

"Ummmm" i started and scratched the back of my head and will sighed and slowly shook his head "are you serious brother?" He asked looking up at me and i just shrugged as he just sighed "ok..what if you d-do something sapling likes??" He asked as i thought what pine tree would like

Will soon changed the subject "ummm anyways i felt someone p-possibly trying to s-summon you" he said as i looked up at him i mean i knew he could feel if someone tried to summon me we both had a connection kinda like how people said twins had superpowers
I was more suprised at how i myself didnt feel it

It seems like will picked up at this and cleared his throat "p-possibly the house mightve prevented you from f-feeling it since you where with s-sapling???" He suggested since the house it quite technically alive but i would tell you readers possibly next chapter but it seems like the writer is TO LAZY (meanie its eaither a short chapter or none at all!)

Anyways (anyways)

I just nodded in response as will just turned away "a-anyways i should p-probably go to the masters" he said as he left and i stared at the empty spot in the garden where my brother once stood and i sighed and turned around and walked inside the empty house

I walked back to saplings room and continued to watch him for the rest of the day (and night)

(Yeah its short i know and i got 8k reads!!)

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