uncle Will is PISSED

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Now, people didn't expect Will to ever be able to get mad, hell, they didn't even think he had it in himself to shout at someone or loose his cool as much as his brother does, they had expected the brothers to be like night and day, and they where in a sense, however if you told Bill about this he would look offended before laughing his ass off, he knew his brother and while it is true that he has habits close to his other friend Tad(yes he is in here) he knew that his brother could be just as ruthless and angry as him, it just took alot to tip him over

This, this was exactly the amount to tip Will over the edge and said he was pissed would be an understatement

Will had started off worried about his nephew as all will but as he continued walking to the business he had to attend in this universe his worry began to boil into white hot rage, he had tried to compose himself but that seemingly made things worse as his steps made the surrounding grass burn away, he soon decided it was best to go against what he would normally do and take his anger out on something else as Bill would often do, for a fleeting moment his mind had played a memory before him s he remembered Bill and Tad taking they're anger out on eachother and getting into constant fights and even almost burning down they're treehouse, back then Will still Barely even got mad but when the two almost burned down they're sanctuary they ended up having to stop him from burning down the infinite forest

He couldn't help but chuckle at the memory of his dear friend and brother tho the moment was lost when he let out a sigh, he was still frustrated at his nephew but he guessed he shouldn't be to surprised, it was the son of his brother afterall and he was assuming that he would be more like Bill which made his skin crawl

Think about it? Having to deal with 2 Bill's? It would be a fate worse than hell if they asked him

Anyways, he shook his head and pushed more of the thoughts away as he neared the hidden bunker and teleported in, he walked around the halls as he got closer and closer to chanting coming from another room, he changed himself as he turned into another one of those cloaked men that where praying and chanting around the room and a figure in the middle, the figure was a white demon with a circle eyepatch, overweight and was feisting on some poor human babies remains as his worshippers cheered

Will was disgusted to say the least, although he claims to not really care about his position as a demon, he had concluded that it would be alot more easier if he was ontop of the food chain, which ment murdering any demon that came close enough to his ranks, Bill teased him that he didn't wantworshippers cause they where 'to barbaric' for him but he was okay with murdering other demons

Will rightfully shut him up, once the demon was done feasting it stood up as it looked at its worshippers not noticing the wolf in sheep's clothing "now! Bring me the child of the demon Bill that was blessed with the stars and I shall reward all of you, my loyal subjects" the room grew quiet as the worshippers seemed to hesitate

They knew about Alcor and what was worse was that if one demon was after him then more where definitely on the way, Will repressed a growl as the demon looked around at his worshippers as if expecting someone to stand up and actually walk around looking for the demons son, the demon scoffed "dont be so worried theyre just a pampered demons and I bet that after I have that child I could take down the twins" the demon growled out and Will was justa but ready to pop, him and Bill where known as "the twins" and although they aren't the only demons know as "the twins" in this context he was prtty sure the demon was referring to them

So foolish, while it was true that this demon was just below Will he wouldn't give up his position without a fight, as soem of the worshippers treid to scurry out of the room the doors slammed shut as the yellow glow of the fire was quickly blown out

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