the party

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DIPPERS POV (cause im sure there wont be any other :p)

I walked into the shack my clothes now completely dry as i saw no one in the shack and sighed as i basically already knew where they all where as i walked up the stairs and placed the journal on my bed as i sat down right beside the journal and tried thinking about what just happened a few hours ago

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the two small dolls that fit in the palm of my hand and i put the blue one down on my pillow and stared at the yellow one wich sent a comforting sensation and i hugged it filling me with peace in this weird strange world i was in but i still loved gravity falls no matter how weird it can get

I stayed there for abit before i felt someone make there way upstairs as i paniced slightly and stuffed both of the dolls under my pillow and the door opened

It was mabel

She looked at me puzzled before greeting me "welcome back bro-bro!"she said in her normal cheery form as i sighed in relief and went back to sitting on my bed

She made her way towards me and sat beside me as she took in the certain smell of water and touched my hair wich was still kind of wet "where where you dip?and what happened to your hair?" She asked and continued to poke it as i swatted her hand away she seemed kind of shocked but it didnt stay long

"I just fell and landed on a puddle its fine" i lied well...kind of lied it wasnt really that bad i did infact fall in a body of water just  maybe not a puddle....

She looked sceptical but it was soon washed away when we heard stan call out for us in the backyard making us look at eachother before smiling slightly as she ran downstairs and me right behind her (well  ore like joging)

We opened the door to the backyard to be greeted by our friends shouting "SUPRISE!" To our faces wich made me jump slightly and my sister rejoice and me...not so much but i was still happy to see all the friends we both made over the...2 years of being here

"Now let the party start!"brenda said as we all began to celebrate of course me and mabel where born at exactly 3PM wich meant we would play some games,sing along,eat or just hang out until 3 and thats the time for cake

I was eating some chocolates pacifica made for me and watched the girls have fun amd uncle stan and  uncle ford just talking and bonding but....i if someone else should be a peice of me was incomplete.....oh well...i guess its nothing...


Anyways....aftet abit it reached 2:57 PM as me and mabel sat on a chair right next to our cake and everyone gathere around


I was kind of nervous from the way everyone just stared at us and the way grunkle ford was looking down at me as if looking at one of his test subjects and how grunkle stan had a small hint of the same look but abit more comforting?

I could tell mabel was also nervous making me well...nervous for abit but shrugged it off as they counted slightly


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" Everyone shouted in relief or in pure joy as i jumped slightly again making mabel let out a small laugh and we all began to eat cake life was getting better

Besides the whole new glowing place i found (wich i should tell grunklr ford about later) and the treehouse in the clearing today was fine everything about today was about to get better.....

....until...i felt a sharp pain go through my body

..and i let out a scream.....i never thought i could and blue filled my vision.....

(Guess whos back bois? But yeah sorry the chapters so short bit its almost 12 PM and now im just dead)

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