a treehouse of memories

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I woke up and immediently started coughing lightly as i felt the wet ground around me and looked around

I was in a small feild as trees surrounded it and clouds litteed the sky above as i stood up and rubbed my eyes as i noticed a tree right in the middle with something in its branches

I walked towards it my movement abit slugging as i was making my way to the odd tree i looked in my vest and soghed in relief as i saw the journal perfectly fine as i walked closer i realised what the thing was...

...a treehouse?

It had a ladder that was built in the tree as my curiosity got the best of me and  I began to climb the ladder

There was a slingshot resting upin the "window" and a small table and chairs and a pile of rocks in the corner as i slowly made my way to the table i saw a small picture as i grabbed it

It was a picture of a 2 boys one had yellow heair light yellow eyes and a yellow hoodie with a small tophat resting ON its head and a triangle shaped eyepatch covering his right eye and the other one was basically a carbon copy but the eyepatch was son the left side

I stared at the picture and i looked back at the table and saw 2 small dolls that looked the ssme as the children in the picture i slowly took the blue one and looked at it intrigued the as i felt something in me..

I felt...safe

I put the doll gently in my pocket as he feeling stuck with me and i looked over at the yellow doll wich i took it as i felt sootged and i seemed to be in a trance as i looked down at the doll it filled me with peace abd a comforting feeling...

I put it in my pocket and picked up the picture and stared at it...

And soon the treehouse started shifting and shaking as it became less stable making me drop the photo with a crack as the shaking stopped

I looked down as the now broken frame and took the picture out carefully not to cut myself as it turned out to be folded ipon the bottom and i unfolded it

"Dont forget" the words in the bottom said

As soon as i finished reading it the tree house bagan shaking once more as i folded the picture and put it in my pocket as i went down the ladder as fast as i could

My feet reached the bottom as a slight crunch was heard as i stepped in the grass and i sighed in relief

The treehouse stopped shaking as it was put in its stable condition once again

I looked at my watch and realise what time it is 11:46 i let out one was inhale and exhale before running back to the direction i saw from the mystery shack from the window in the treehouse and made my way there

I never ran into that strange place again...

(Sorry that this chapter was short)

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