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Jakes POV
I woke up from my nap because I was out earlier today. I put my vest on and put everything in it's spot.

J- ace I'll come back for you later

I pet him and grab my keys. I head out of my condo and get into my car after going down the stairs
. I turn my radio on and head to the station to check in. After I do that I get back on the road. I then park on a side street and walk on feet. My radio goes off and I run to the park. Where there are kids fighting. I go into the basketball court

J- guys stop

They all keep stop and I see a kid on the ground

J- everyone leave

They all leave and I use my radio

J- send a ambulance
?- copy
J- hey dude you hear me what's your name
N- nick
J- someone is coming to help you what happened
N- I got punched and hit my head on the ground

Soon the ambulance shows up And they take him away. I then walk down to the Main Street. I walk bu stores and coffee shops and little kids wave at me and I wave back.

?- get him

Someone yells and a guy runs across the street. I run down the street and cross where he did.

J- I'm on feet chasing a guy on jones road going towards mud requesting backup

I say into the radio

J- if you stop right now nothing will happen

I pull my taser out as he keeps running. I slow down point and shoot. It hits the back of his thighs and he goes down. He gets up again and I tackle him down. Jewelry falls from his pockets and I feel him go into his pocket. I feel a sharp pain through my thigh. I hear sirens and everything goes black.

Erikas pov
I turn the 11:00 news on.

?- officer Paul was stabbed by a man who stole from Johns jewelry. Paul was on patrol on maple and saw the man running. Paul ran onto jones and had a hold of the man. The man went into his pocket and stabbed officer Paul in the thigh. Paul is stable and is in hospital.

A picture of Jake shows up and my heart drops. I pick my phone up and text Anthony

E- Anthony
An- what's up
E- Jakes in the hospital
An- okay?
E- he's your best friend
An- was
An-I haven't talked to him in years he drifted from us

I rewind the tv and stop on his picture. He smiles big and it brings back memories.

Jakes POV
I wake up in the hospital and look around. I pull the covers off and look down at my thigh. It's all wrapped up and you get see some blood coming through. After a bit a nurse walks in and it's my mom. If we are at St. Peter's then this is where she works.

P- how are you
J-good I guess
P- you in pain
J- a little
P- I'll come back with some pills and breakfast

I nod my head and she leaves. I put my head back and shut my eyes. Soon she comes back and puts everything on the tray. I eat my breakfast and take my pills. My mom comes back to take the trash

P- they brought your car back to your house and they brought ace to the station.
J- how did they get in
P- I gave them the keys
J- who
P- Danny and Bruce
J- okay good
P- I'll come back later

She leaves and I grab my phone. I text people from work back and I just chill out for the rest of the day

Erikas pov
I finish both my meetings so I turn around and look out to Cleveland. My eyes wonder from building to building. I decide to take my lunch break and I quickly get up but as soon as I open the door Chris stands there.

C- where were you
E- I'm busy
C- where do you sleep
E- none of your business
C- you're my girlfriend
E- not anymore we're done
C- what did you say

We comes close to me

E- you come near me and touch me there are so many cameras around here that I can give to the police. Stay away from me because I have so much footage of you touching me

I shut the door and lock it as I leave. I make my way down and I go sit in my car. I head home and have lunch there. I soon head back to the office and continue my work. Soon it gets really late and I head home. I get inside

E- Shannon
S- what's up
E- I broke up with him
S- really
R- yes!
E- what are you doing here
R- I came to help you brake up with him but I guess you already did that
E- I have cameras at the office and I have footage of him touching me and if he comes near me then I can turn that in to the police
R- I forgot about the cameras
E- me too
R- I think this calls for some shots
E- fuck it line them up

Shannon lines some shots up for us

Jakes POV
I stay awake wondering if I went back to my car or if I brought ace with me would I be in here. I would rather it be me then ace. A nurse walks in and brings breakfast in.

N- after your breakfast you can leave
J- okay thank you

I pick my phone up and text my mom

J- I can go you just need to pick me up

The door opens and my mom walks in

J- just get here?
P- yeah I got told you can come home
J- I just have to eat first and then we can

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