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Jakes POV
There's A knock at the door and I tun over and get it. Erika stands there ready to go

J- hey
E- hey

She walks in and gives me a kiss

J- you look good

Erika has on a black skirt with a white top and some black heels

E- thanks

Ace comes running over to Erika

J- I don't know what to wear to one of these things
E- let's go upstairs

We walk upstairs and We get in my room. We walk into my closet and I let erika look threw my things.

E- put this on

She throws me a pair of black jeans and I slip those on. Then a white shirt comes flying at me. I get the shirt over my head and Erika stands there with my leather jacket from high school in her hands.

J- really
E- yeah you look hot in it

I take it and put it on. I put on some black vans on and Erika pulls my chain out from my shirt. I go in the mirror and fix my hair.

J- okay you ready
E- yeah the Uber should be downstairs

We head downstairs and I grab my phone and put it in my back pocket. I grab my lanyard and lock the door. I let it hand out of my front pocket and Erika grabs my hand. We walk to the elevator and get in. We press the button and it goes down to the main floor. We walk outside and see the Uber waiting for us. We get in and he drives us to the place. Once we get there I help Erika out of the car. She fixes her skirt. I'm guessing it's an outdoor thing because everyone is outside. I feel erika grab my hand and she leads us to the front. We wait in line while they check people tickets. Once they get to us they let us in without checking the ticket. I look over to Erika and she smiles. We head to the runway and someone seats us in the front row. I put my arm on the back of erikas chair and she puts her hand in my knee.

J- do we just watch them walk
E- you look at what their wearing

Someone comes and kneels down in front of Erika. She leans forward and I try to listen to their conversation but I catch the end

E- we can after
?- sounds perfect if you come find me I'll be standing near the carpet and we will get you all set up
E- thank you

He smiles and walks away. The light dim and lights turn on, on the stage. A women walks out with a microphone

?- welcome to the guard fashion show we are really excited to have all of you here today. We have so any looks that we have been working on for so long. I hope you guys enjoy

Everyone claps and I guess the shows starts.

After the show

We stand up like everyone else and I follow erika out of the crowd. She grabs my hand and I'm guessing taking us to the guy that she talked to before.

?- okay so there are 4 x's on the carpet at least stay on each one for 10 seconds. Are you guys going together?
J- no

I let go of erikas hand and go wait on the other end of the carpet. After she finishes on the carpet a bunch of people crowd around her. I stuff my hands in my pocket and go walk around. I come across a balcony that looks over  some of Cleveland. With it being almost dark out and the lights from the building its so beautiful. After a couple minutes I head back to where everything is. Someone grabs my hand from behind and I turn around and see it's Erika.

E- where did you go
J- I just went out for a sec

3 hours later

It's now 12am and me and Erika get off the elevator at our floor. I walk erika to her door and she gives me my jacket back.

E- thanks for coming
J- no problem

She puts her arms around my neck and my hands go on her waist. I go down and we kiss.

J- I'll see you later
E- promise
J- promise

We kiss one more time and I head to my door.

Erikas pov
I look out the window at my office and the door opens. I turn around and see rocky and Shannon

E- what are you guys doing here

Shannon shuts the door and rocky put her laptop on my desk. They pull me to sit down in my chair. Rocky opens her laptop and a picture of me and jake pop up

E- okay and?
S- do you know who that is?
E- yeah?
S- no you don't
R- he was the one that raped you
E- he didn't rape me
R- he touched you
E- better
S- it looks like you guys are really close
E- it does look like that
R- what are you guys doing together
E- I don't know
S- is this your first time seeing each other
E- no
S- how many times
E- guys I really don't want to talk about it
R- then we will meet you at your place
E- fine I'll be home in an hour Shannon has the key

They leave and shut the door. I put my head in my hands and take a deep breath. I get back to work and finish up something's before I head home.

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