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Jakes POV
I text my Ethan as I walk up Erika's stairs. I head into her room with my head down. I stop near her bed and then look up to her as soon as I put my phone in my sweats

J- woah
E- come on lover boy

She grabs my hand and pulls me down. She sits on my torso but then comes down. She hovers over my lips and my hands hold the sides of her waist. She kisses me slowly and my eyes shut. Her finger tips trace the outline of my muscle. After a bit she grabs the waistband on my sweats...


I lay in the dark with Erika asleep next to me. I realize that I haven't talked to my mom since that argument we had with dan. Maybe I'll text her in the morning and see what's going on. I just want everyone to know that if Erika didn't want to be with me she wouldn't. It's not that hard to understand. What happened is in the past and Erika seems to forget about it so I do. Then there's dan who I don't think who will ever forgive me or even Erika. I feel Erika moving so I look towards her. She gets up and goes into the bathroom. I roll on my side and wait for her. She comes back but lays near the edge. I grab her and pull her back into me. She fixes herself and places her hand on mine.


I wake up at 7 and roll in my back. I start early today so I get up and put my sweats on. I put my knee on the bed and go down to kiss Erika.

J- bye rik I'll see you later

I give her another kiss and then head out to my place. I take a shower and get changed. I decide to take ace with me and we both head out. We get into my car and I head to the station to do a couple things before leaving. Ace has the time of his life in there as so many people pet him. I call him over and leave after saying goodbye to everyone. We get into my car and I turn my radio on. Dispatch immediately speaks

R- 156 fairly road we have a women being sexually abused by her drunk boyfriend.
J- C-copy that

The same thing I did to my own girlfriend. I race down to the house and I park in the driveway. I run up with ace behind me and I knock on the door but no answer. I push the door open and follow the noises. I run upstairs and see the guy on top of the girl. I pull my gun out and it shakes as I point it at him. Just looking at him doing that to her rings back memories.

R- you have backup on scene

He looks at me

J- get off of her

He freezes

J- I said get off of her

I hear footsteps behind me but before I could wait I put my gun away and run to him. I pull him off and his big body pulls me down too. He goes nuts and starts swinging. He connects a couple hits to me before I wrap my arm around his neck.


I sit on my bed with my elbows on my knees and I just look at myself in the mirror that sits against the wall. Today was the longest most hardest days ever. It's was almost traumatizing to see that guy on top of her. It was the same thing I did to Erika. I fall back on the bed put my hands over my eyes. After a bit I put my hands down and lay there with my eyes shut looking at the ceiling. I hear footsteps and then hands on my knees. I look up about to fall asleep.

E- what the hell happened
J- I was doing my job
E- but like how
J- I don't know
E- you don't remember, did it hurt that bad?
J- I guess

She rubs up and down my thighs. I put my head back down

E- you're not okay are you?
J- I'm fine
E- are you sure it doesn't seem like it
J- yea I'm good
E- okay well then do you want to get food
J- not hungey
E- that's a lie you always are
J- I ate with ace a couple hours ago
E- yeah?
J- yeah
E- so you're going to make your girlfriend go in the dark late at night to go get food across town  
J- ...
E- okay I'll see you later

She leaves and I hear the door shut but I quickly get up and run downstairs

J- wait!

She stands near the door with her arms crossed.

E- you ready
J- *sighs* yeah

I slide my shoes on and she grabs my hand


I sit on my couch watching the basketball game while Erika is...I don't really know. Ace is with me which is kinda weird but not at the same time. Soon the game ends and I walk up my stairs. I take my shirt off before getting into my room. Once I get in I throw it in the corner of the room. I slide into my bed and get under the covers. I realize I haven't kissed Erika at all today so she is probably mad. I get up and look for her but turns out she isn't here. I get up head to erikas. I use the key to get in and I head upstairs. I get into her room and she looks at me. I go over and take her laptop off of her legs. I sit on her lap and connect me lips to hers. Surprisingly she kisses back on the first kiss.

There's gonna be like two more stories after this one. I already started them and wanted to share the last two. I'm over it and it's not fun anymore. I don't want anyone to get mad but the only reason I do jerika fanfics isn't because I still ship them, the day they broke up that was it but it's because you already know what they look like, you know their personality's, you know how their voices, their laugh. Just don't be mad I just felt like I had to get that off of my chest and please don't be mad

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