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Jakes POV
As I sit on the couch with ace the doorbell rings. I get up and ace follows. I open the door and chance and Anthony stand there. I put my leg out so ace doesn't get out.

J- Erika isn't here she's at work
An- actually weren't looking for her
J- okay then...
An- we wanted to talk
J- I don't want to fight with you guys
An- no we came here to apologize

Anthony looks at chance

C- yeah we did
J- if it's easier for you all I could brake up with Erika to make your guys' life better instead of apologizing
An- no we don't want you to do that. We had a long conversation with Erika a couple weeks ago
C- and she basically told us that if we didn't accept the fact that you guys were together then we can't be friends with you guys
An- honestly-

He steps forward and takes me in a hug. It takes me a second but then I hug him back

An- I missed you bud
J- I missed you too

I feel chances arms go around us.

C- this is so weird

We pull back and I wipe my eyes

An- the baddie is crying
J- *chuckles* shut up so are you


I sit on the floor playing ace. He pushes me down and I go to get up my I hit my head on the coffee table. I lay back down and cover my forehead with my hands.

E- what did you do

I look up a bit and see Erika

J- I hit my head off the coffee table
E- *smiles* come here

I get up still covering it with one hand. I stand in front of her and she pulls my hand away

J- is it bad
E- no you're fine
J- it doesn't feel fine

She kisses me and I put my hands on her butt as her head goes on my chest. I trail my hands to the top of her skirt and zip it down but half way her hand stops mine. She steps away from me and turns around

E- zip it back up

I zip it up and grab her waist. I pull her back

E- Jake come on
J- im just playing chill

I let go of her and she grabs her bag

E- I'll see you after
J- I was just playing around

Leaves and I watch her walk to her place while I stand in the doorway.

J- fuck

I slowly walk to her place and I go to open the door but she locked it. I hear her heals on the floor and then they disappear. I walk back to my place and I get in. Ace follows me upstairs as I change into sweat pants and a T-shirt. I leave erika for a couple hours but once I'm about to step out the door her friends walk by. They all look at me

C- hey Jake
J- hey

Rocky looks at him weirdly

An- you coming over
J- no it's fine I'll just go later
An- just because were there doesn't mean you can't come
J- I know it's just erikas kinda mad at me right now and...it's fine you guys go
An- come by after
J- maybe

I get back inside and grab my phone. I get a text from Ethan

E- the paperwork that you filled out isn't all of it
J- you were the one that gave it all to me
E- come down to the station it'll take you a couple hours

I call Ethan and he picks up.

J- are you being serious
E- listen it won't take long

There's a knock at the door and I go and open it

E- Jake
J- shut up for a second

They all stand there

S- do you know where Erika is
J- she would be home she just came back form work
R- she's not answering

I reach in my pocket to grab her keys out but it isn't in there.

J- you guys can come in if you want

I turn around and go into the kitchen and they follow

J- Ethan let me call you back
E- just come bud
J- fine I'll be there in like I don't know

I hand up and throw my phone on the counter. Ace comes around the corner and goes to everyone. I look around the kitchen for my keys but I can't find it anywhere. I run upstairs and throw on my work pants and shoes. I throw on a shirt and tuck it in. I put my belt in and head downstairs. I find the keys in the pocket of my pants. I throw it to chance

J- it's the one with the purple dot on it
C- are you going to go look for her
J- no idiot I have to go to work for a bit

They all head out a I grab a couple things. I head out and go to erikas door

J- did you get it
R- no because you gave the idiot the keys
J- Shannon is right beside you give it to her

She unlocks the door and throws it back to me. I lock my place up and jog to the elevator but as I turn the corner to press the button I dump into someone which is Erika.

E- woah
J- hey I'll see you later
E- but

I get in the elevator

J- love you

She looks at me with a sad face. Before the door is about to shut I put my hand in it. I step out and give her a kiss on the cheek. I get back in

J- your friends are in your place

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