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Jakes POV
Since I drove Erika here this morning I have to pick her up. It's 5:45 and I don't really want to go back home because by the time I get home she will need a ride home. I step out of the elevator and go up to the lady at the desk

M- she should be in her office
J- *smiles* thanks

I walk down the hall on my right all the way to erikas office. I open her door and slip in. I look around and she isn't in here. I sit in her chair and I  take my phone out. After a bit the door opens and Erika walks in

J- look who finally showed up

She looks up to me

E- really?
J- what I have to pick you up anyway and I'm bored
E- and what was I supposed to do
J- make me un bored
E- *smiles* well I have to Work

We both smile and I sit up. She walks beside me with papers in her hands.

E- get up
J- no I like this seat
E- there four chairs in front of my desk
J- yeah but this one spins
E- *smiles* you're really a child

She sits on my leg and I wrap my arm around her waist.

J- what are you working on?
E- I have to chose if I like these girls
J-  *smiles* can I help
E- *smiles* no keep your eyes on the wall

I take my hat off and put my head on erikas back.

J- dude I caught four people speeding today
E- did you give them tickets
J- sadly

1 hour later

I put my vest back on after Erika says we can go.

J- it's been so long
E- *sighs* I know
J- you know I can come back later and you can stay
E- no I want to go home

I grab her bags and we both walk out.

E- bye Mary I'll see you later
M- bye hun

She lifts her head from her papers and She smiles. The elevator opens And we get in

J- awe she called you hun
E- so
J- you look pretty old to me

She punches me in the shoulder and the elevator doors shut

J- chill

We get down to the last floor and head out to my car. We both get in and I drive us home. We soon get there and head up. Erikas phone rings and she picks it up. She puts the phone in between her ear and shoulder. She grabs her bags and unlocks the door. She gives me a peck on the lips and she heads inside. The door shuts and I head back to my place. I open the door and ace comes running out.

J- *chuckles* ace let's go I'll take you on a walk soon

He comes back and I shut the door. I go upstairs and get changed. I soon come down and take ace on a walk.


Me and ace chill on the couch together till I get a phone call

J- hello
C- hey Jake it's chase we need help at the station
J- okay I'll be there soon
C- thanks

I hang up and shut the tv off.

J- fuck sakes

I go upstairs and get into uniform. I head back down and ace follows me. I slip my shoes on and pet ace before I leave. I lock the door and head to the elevator.

Erikas pov
Rocky Anthony chance and Shannon are over. For once in a long time we are all together at the same time

C- who lives over there
E- just a guy
R- a police officer
S- you can date him
E- not happening
An- she just got out of a relationship and for her to go into another wouldn't be the smartest thing

Thanks tony

E- Anthony's right
S- has Chris seen you yet
E- no I guess when I told him about the cameras he got scared
C- Shannon do you still live in the apartment
S- nope I moved to to be sure that he wouldn't come
R- no more sleeping at my place
E- shut up
An- now we can have more sex
R- so gross
S- chance still single
C- kinda
S- well me too
E- since when
S- since a couple months ago
E-well looks like I'm the lonely one now

We all just chill out for the rest of the night till they all leave. I go upstairs and get ready for bed. I grab my phone and jump in bed. I go through some emails and texts before fully going to sleep.

Jakes POV
I drag myself to the elevator and I get in. I look at my phone 8am and I'm so tired but I have to get my vest and stuff to start my shift soon. I head to my door when I get to my floor. I decide to take ace with me to make my life easier.

J- ace come on

He comes running over and I put his leash on. I head upstairs and put my vest and belt on. I head back down and grab aces leash. We head out and head to my car. We both get in and I drive downtown. I turn my radio on and start my shift.

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