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Few weeks later
Erikas pov
I answer the door after the door bell rings. There stands all of my friends

E- I don't get way you guys don't text me

I move out of the way for them to come in

C- only to catch you off guard
E- yeah so what if you guys walk in and I fucking a guy
An- then chance will beat the shit out of Jake
T- you guys shut up
S- what's been going on

We all sit on the couch and ace comes running in. He sits on my lap and they all look at me

C- whose this guy
E- ace
An- since when did you get a dog
E- I didn't I've been watching him
An- for how long
E- it's been like a month
S- a month?
E- yeah
R- why so long
E- the owner he went-um went away
An- okay?

Chance calls him over and he goes. He looks at his tag and looks up to me

C- you two? Still?
S- is it Jakes
C- yeah
E- okay guys like we really need to have a serious conversation
An- go
E- when I first saw him when I was with rocky everything just came back to me but the good times. You guys all Knew what Chris was doing to me and you guys were never pushing me as hard as you guys are with Jake for us to brake up.
C- that's because we know Jake
E- yeah but I was getting abused everyday with Chris
S- not everyday

I look at Shannon with a really face

E- but like me and Jake have talked about this for many many many hours and we've both said how we feel. This guy has done nothing but make me happier in the time we have seen each other
C- yeah but nothing can change what happened that night
E- I know but we both moved on
C- are you going to tell your kids that their own dad harassed their own mom
E- see now you're getting too deep
R- he has a point if this conversation is going to be serious it has to go this far
E- that's something we haven't talked about but we will one day
S- well it should be soon because from information we have gotten from you in the past seems like you guys do IT a lot
C- really?
E- no that's such a lie
S- I can bring up texts
An- we don't need to see those
C- we are all just trying to watch out for you
E- I get it but I'm happy and when I talk to you guys about all of this it makes me question everything as soon as I figure it out

After a kind deep conversation that lasted until 1 am they all leave. I think I put them in their place and then they can mind their own business. I head upstairs with ace following close behind. I get changed and lay in bed with ace. I grab my phone to see Jake texted me a while ago

J- hey how's it going
E- could be better only bc I miss you

He responds a bit later

J- I miss you too
J- but I'll be home soon
E- like how soon
J- Idk baby
J- I promise when I get back we can do whatever you want
E- okay
J- I have to head to bed but I love you
E- I love you too

I set my alarm for work tomorrow and I set my phone down beside me. I put my arm around ace and I shut my eyes

Couple days later

Jakes POV
I step out of the elevator and Mary's face lights up

M- where have you been
J- camp for work
M- it's been a really long time
J- it really has
M- I think she's in her office
J- thanks

I say hi to the guys as I pass their offices. I get to Erika's and I push the door open. She looks up and she looks shocked. I shut the door and we meet half way

E- oh my god I missed you

I squeeze her and she looks up to me. I wipe her tears before connecting my lips to hers. I try to pull back but she holds my neck making me stay connected to her lips. I smile in the kiss and pull her closer. After a bit we pull apart and just stare at each other. I hold the sides of her face as she holds the top of my jeans.

J- I missed you
E- I missed you too
J- luckily that's the only one for a long time
E- good

I place my hands on her ass and squeeze. It turns me on a bit since it's been awhile. I let go and just relax. I let go and look out the window behind her. She lays her head in my chest and we just stand there.

1 hour later

We get to erikas and she opens the door. Ace sees me and he comes running over. I bend down and he jumps in my arms. He pushes me over and I end up on my back. We play around a bit till he gets tired. I head upstairs to where I last saw erika. I get in her room and I stand behind her at her dresser as she types something on her laptop.

J- I'm going to bring ace back home and then take a shower
E- come back?
J- I will

I kiss her check and touch her for as long as I can as I leave her room

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