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Jakes POV
I step into my condo at 3:45am. I shut the door and head upstairs. I see flashes coming from my room and as I walk in, Erika lays in my bed with the tv on.

E- where did you go

She gets up and comes over. She wraps her arms around me but I don't do the same.

J- just go to sleep
E- where were you
J- no where
E- you were somewhere for 4 hours
J- Erika listen just go to sleep

I take her off of me and go into the bathroom. I take a shower and head out in a towel. I look at my bed and Erika isn't here. I get changed in shorts and get in to bed. I lay there till the clock hits 8. I get up and get changed for work. I head downstairs and slip my shoes on. I open the door and ace runs out

J- ace get back in

He runs up and down the hallways

J- I'm not playing ace get back in the fucking house

He gets in the house and I lock the door. I run down the stairs and head to my car. I turn my radio on and start my shift.


I walk up to my door and unlock it. I step in and no ace comes running towards me. I shut the door and go find him. I find him on the couch and I bend down

J- I'm sorry buddy

I kneel there for a bit just petting him. I soon get up and head upstairs. I get changed and make myself dinner. I clean up and then chill on the couch for a bit. I hear my phone go off

E- just to let you know I'm in New York for the next two weeks
J- why didn't you tell me before
E- I did multiple times
J- really?

She leaves me on seen and I set my phone down

2 weeks 2 days later

I decide that it's time for me to see Erika. It's about 9pm so she better be awake. I head over and open the door. I walk in and look for her. I go upstairs and find her laying in bed. She looks at me and I crawl on top of her

E- what's up
J- I'm sorry for leaving like that and yelling at you

I press my lips on her cheek and her arms wrap around my neck. I go to her lips and pull the covers off of her

J- making my job easy huh?

I feel her smile

Erikas pov
I go to Mary and pick up a package

M- I think they are the pictures of you and Jake in the magazine
E- already
M- apparently they really liked them and wanted them to be in this one

I open the box and give one to her. We both look threw it to try to find me and Jake

E- found it
M- same

The picture of jake in between my legs is in there and the one of him behind me

M- awe look at you guys
E- to this day I still find it weird to be in a magazine


I walk to my door with the box in my arms but it gets taken out.

J- what's in here
E- you'll see

I unlock my door and we step in. Jake puts the box on the counter and opens it. I grab one out and find the page. I put it down and he looks down at it

J- that's us
E- isn't it cool
J- it is

He puts his arm around me and kisses my head.

R- requesting backup on Sydney street two men loaded running towards a local park. Possibly headed to a group of kids
J- copy I'm about 7 minutes away

He gives me a kiss then runs out

E- *sighs* be safe

Jakes POV
I jump out of my car and run into the park. I see a couple cops come from different sides I point to where I see them

J- aye over there!

We all run towards them and as we get closer I pull my gun out. The kids start to run around and I hear some cries.

J- some of you get the kids out the way

They move the group of kids as we trap the two men

J- one of you go less lethal

One pulls out the taser and the rest of us have our guns out.


I finally get home and thank god I have tomorrow off. I get up to my room

J- you scared me

I turn my back to her and take my things off.

E- I thought I would come over since you left quickly

I put on shorts and lay beside her

E- how did it go
J- alright it was just so much going on

She goes on her side and puts her hand on my chest

E- I put a couple magazines on the counter downstairs
J- how bout you
E- in the box there's like 100 of them

Her phone rings

E- hello
?- hey hun

I can hear it threw the phone and I think it's her dad

E- hi dad
D- I received a package
E- what was in it
D- a magazine
E- oh I forgot those get sent to you
D- yeah and I saw the pictures of you but
E- yeah
D- who is the guy
E- he was Um just a model
D- how did Chris feel about that
E- we ended it a long time ago
D- why
E- I don't know
D- this is what happens when you don't call me I'm always out of the loop
E- I'll make sure I'll call you more
D- and visit even though you live like thirty minutes away we never see each other
E- I'll make sure of that too
D- well it's pretty late so I'll let you go to sleep
E- thanks
D- I'll talk to you later
E- bye

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