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Jakes POV
She hangs up and puts her phone behind her.

J- is he the only one he gets a magazine sent to him
E- no
J- who
E- rocky and Shannon and chance oh and Anthony
J- why
E- since I'm in a couple they like to send it to family and friends. I think your mom gets them too
J- no she does not
E- she does
J- that's so weird
E- I'm pretty sure our parents still talk and I guess your mom saw one at my house and wanted one
J- are they hot
E- is that all you think of
J- partly

Her phone rings again

E- why

I roll on my side and connect my lips to her neck

E- FaceTime really
R- yeah
S- put it on your face
E- no just talk
R- you don't tell us anything any more
E- what do you mean
S- you let us come to your photo shoots and-
R- who is the guy
S- not what I was going to say but okay
E- he was a model
R- lies
E- it's not
R- that's Jakes hair and that chain was the one you gave him in high school
E- how do you know this
R- I just know

I pull back and look at the hickey I gave her. I wipe my spit off

E- it's not him
S- I have a feeling it is
E- it's not ask Riley
R- when
E- I don't know on your own time

J-Just hang up or I'll do it

She covers my mouth

E- I'll talk to you guys later

She hangs up and I grab her phone. I shut it down and put it on the dresser

J- just talk to me
E- about what
J- anything
E- oh I have a event in a couple days that your coming to
J- the same thing
E- yea but just someone different is having it
J- I guess I'll come
E- thank you

Erikas pov
I wake up with Jake in my arms which is the best feeling. Ace barks and jake sits up so fast

E- you good
J- *sighs* yeah

He lays back down and pulls me into his chest.

E- are you off today
J- yea
E- okay good
J- oh no what do you want to do
E- I kinda booked us another photo shoot

He rolls me over on my back and sits on my thighs

J- you what
E- I booked us another shoot
J- I didn't sign up for this
E- you asked me to be your girlfriend so you do what I do
J- yeah but when I was reading the manual photo shoots weren't in there
E- it's fun come on
J- no
E- people love that they don't know who you are. It's like a new signature thing
J- your friends know who I am
E- they won't tell anyone
J- you're making me go to an event and do a photo shoot
E- yeah
J- if I go to the event wouldn't people know it's me
E- that's why you say that you're a cop because usually models don't have a job other than modelling
J- *smiles* this better get me good sex
E- *smiles* so you're in
J- *sighs* fine

Jakes POV
I lay to her side

E- I love you

She grabs my face and smashes her lips onto mine.

E- it's at 12

We both get up and get changed. After a bit we head out and drive to erikas building. Once we get there we head to the floor under her office.

R- finally
E- we are on time
R- barely
E- shh
R- let's get you guys started in the room over there. There should be some clothes with numbers out number one on.

We get in the room and both of our outfits are jeans and a white shirt. We put those on and head out. Riley positions is to where Erika stands on a stool and I stand in front of her. Her hands cover my face


Erika lays down beside me and her phone rings

E- I can never get two seconds alone

She answers it and I hear Shannons voice

S- you busy in two days
E- yeah I have an event why
S- rocky wanted to go try this new place
E- maybe another time
S- yeah I'll leave you alone
E- thanks
S- bye

I see her put her phone down and then my phone goes off

J- I swear I'm going to kill someone

I pick it up

E- can you come down to the station
J- I can't come Ethan
E- why
J- because I'm in pain in my leg
E- fine I'll see you later

I hang up and grab Erika.

J- hi

I touch my nose on hers

J- being with you has made my life really stressful
E- *smiles* that's how you really feel
J- *smiles* it is but i still love you
E- you better because being with you is stressful too
J- how
E- because when you go to work I think about you all day
J- it stresses you out

I get serious

E- of course it does
J- why
E- really Jake your a cop
J- I know but like nothing's gonna happen
E- how bout that time you got stabbed in the leg
J- I'm more cautious now because I have you before I had no one

I pull her into me and I shut my eyes

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