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New Year's Eve
Jakes POV
The whole group and a couple others that are friends with the girls all stand in this party. I wanted to say home and just be with everyone but whatever the girls and Erika want to do I'll just follow.

C- Jake you sure you don't want a drink
J- I'm good bud

We scream over the music and he puts his arm over my shoulders.

C- come on just one
J- the last time I drank that situation happened and I don't want to repeat that.
C- what happened
J- you're drunk don't worry bout it

A girl rips him off of me and I look around. Rocky and Anthony are all up in each other. The girls are all in one spot with there boyfriends or wives. Someone grabs my hand and I look at this girl

?- let's go handsome the dance floor is waiting
J- I was actually leaving

Then they all start coming to me and they start touching my body. Their hands slide on my bare skin as I'm sweating.

?- wow do you feel what's under there
?- you want a drink?
?- it's-

I move back and their hands come off of me. I slip threw the people and get to Erika. I put my hand on her lower back and she turns to me. I go down to her ear

J- you okay?
E- yeah

I pull back and she pulls my hand more around her waist. Soon everyone starts to disappear and then it's me and Erika left. I look at my phone and it's 11:57. I give Erika the water that I had in my hand. After she's done she gives it back. I pull her forward And put my forehead on hers and she slowly kisses me once. I pull her in my chest and we wait for the time to hit twelve. Everyone starts to count down as the new year gets closer. Here it comes... 5 4 3 2 1. I connect my lips to erika and we both smile in the kiss.


I drag Erika out of the elevator as she's half asleep and half drunk.

J- babe you gotta work with me here, pick up your feet
E- hold on

I just pick her up as I know it'll take her ten minutes to get to her place. I take my keys out and open the door. I put her down and lock the door. She just slurs her words as I bring her upstairs. I set her down on the bed and grab her, her clothes. I put them in her lap and she stands up. She tries to unzip her dress but can't, so I end up helping her. I put her dress on the bathroom counter and when I come out she can't figure out how to put her shirt on. I help her and hold onto her as I unmake the bed. I help her lay down and she holds me. I peel her fingers off of me and I take my clothes off. I get in bed beside her and she immediately clings into me


I bring a water and pills upstairs to Erika. I walk into her room and she rolls on her back. I sit beside her and give her the pills. She puts them down with water.

E- I'm never drinking again
J- I said that and it didn't end well
E- shut up don't remind me
J- sorry

I take the water and put it on the side table. She lays her head on my leg and I trace her face  

E- did I go anything dumb
J- no when you get drunk your usually like cuddly
E- thank god

We lay there for a bit till we get up and go make breakfast. We clean up and go chill on the couch. I turn the tv on and a Christmas movie plays

J- I hate Christmas so much thank god it's over
E- don't say that
J- it's overrated
E- no it-

The door bell rings and we both get up and run to get it but Erika beats me. I stand behind her and hold the door when Erika opens it. And there stands Erika's and my mom

J- wow okay

Erika moves back into me and I put my hand on her waist

J- what's going on
D- well Erika missed Christmas and Pam told me so did you
M- I tried to tell them it wasn't a big deal
D- it's is we always have Christmas together
J- we both made the decision that she shouldn't go to your house after you didn't apologize for what happened
K- what did you do
D- nothing
M- he came here one day with Pam and he had a big fight with them both
K- dan is that true
D- well kinda
K- well I dont blame the kids for not coming

I whisper to erika

J- why don't you have a little conversation and I'll go back to my place
E- fine

I let go of her and slide by dan. I grab my mom and head to my place. I open the door and ace comes running to my mom. We get in and I shut it.

P- jake dan is pretty mad

We head into the living room

J- first of all why are you always with erikas family
P- they always invite me over since I don't really have that many friends
J- you could always cone here
P- but then that means you're with Erika and I don't want to make anything awkward
J- it won't be

We sit in silence

J- are you still mad at me
P- no it happens in the past and of Erika forgives you I think everything is fine

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