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Jakes POV
It's 8 pm and I'm so bored. I decide to go see what Erika is up to. As I walk to erika I look down at my phone. I open the door and walk to the living room.

J- Erika I'm bored and wanted to know if you-

I stop once I see rocky and Shannon sitting in the couch with Erika.

R- speak of the devil and the devil shall appear
J- you know what I'm not bored and didn't want to know anything

I leave erikas and head back into mine. I text erika

E- really Jake
J- shit I didn't know that they would be there
J- I'm sorry❤️

She leaves me on seen and I ignore it. I watch tv and then head to bed. I wake up the next morning to my alarm going off. I get up and take a shower. I get out and put my uniform on. I put my belt and vest on. I grab my phone and keys. I head downstairs and slip my shoes on. I leave and lock my door. I walk to the elevator and see Erika waiting. The elevator opens and we both get in. I press the button and we both stay on each side of the elevator. I turn my radio on and I already have a call

R- requested backup on King street east. Gun fight-
J- copy

I stand in front of the door and as soon as it opens I squeeze my body through it. I run to my car and drive to king street. As I approach the street I see about 5 cop cars and cops chilling behind them with their guns in hand. I park a little bit away and I get out. I crouch and take my gun out. I make my way behind a car

J- what's going on
K- we have a man behind Starbucks and is holding a women hostage. He has shot at us but if we shoot we could hit the women
J- are their people in Starbucks
K- yeah


I got some flowers to see if I can make it up to her.

M- go ahead
J- thanks

I head to my right down the hallway and I run into two guys that come out of one of the offices

J- my bad
T- your good bud

I go into erikas office and shut the door. She looks up and looks back down.

J- come on erika how was I supposed to know that they would be there

She gets up and goes to the filing cabinet . I walk over and put the flowers on her desk. I walk up behind her and put my hands on her waist. I kiss her neck a couple times and she turns around. I connect my lips to hers she kisses back so I continue. My hands rest on her butt and her arms go around my neck. I drag my hands under her shirt and I make my way to her neck. I pull back and look her in the eyes.

J- come to my place later

She smiles and kisses me. I leave and head back to my place


I hear the door open and wait for erika. She walks in and she sits beside me. I look over at her and I stand up. I grab her hand and lift her up. I grab her waist and she puts one hand behind my neck. I pull her closer and connect my lips to her neck

E- jake

She pushes me back and grabs my hand. She leads us up the stairs and into my room. She lays down on my bed and I get on top of her. I take my shirt off and go down to her. My lips connect to hers and she puts her hands around my waistband. She pulls her self up and takes her shirt off. I grab both of her hands and put them over her head. I go down to her lips and I feel her smile.

Erikas pov
Jake lays on top of me with his head in my neck as I play with the hair on the back of his head. We might have had sex...okay we did. I just couldn't resist him and the way he acts. He drags himself up and onto his knees. He comes down and gives me a kiss on my lips then he jumps over me.

J- I have to go to work

He stands with his back to me

E- you were just there
J- I know I'm still working on that thing

He walks into his closet with his things. I sit up and fix Jakes shirt that I have on I put my hair in a bun and then Jake walks out

J- I'll be back at around 4. Do you work tomorrow
E- yeah but it should be a short day

He puts his belt on and then I get up to fix his shirt in the back. I tuck it in and he turns around to me. He grabs my face and connects his lips to mine. He pulls back and ace comes running in and he stands against Jake

J- not tonight ace

Ace jumps down and sits

J- I'll see you later

He let's goes of my hand and he walks out. Ace comes and rubs himself against me. I decide to clean Jakes room up a bit since I have nothing else to do. After I finish that I head back to my place to take a shower and to lock it up. I walk back and lock the door when I step inside.

E- ace

I hear him walking towards me we both head upstairs and he lays beside the bed and I lay down. I turn the tv on to keep me company while I try to fall asleep.

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