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1 month later
Jakes POV
I'm finally up in my feet and today is my first day back. I put everything on and put my things in the right spot. I put my dad hat on and I grab aces leash. I head downstairs and go to the door where ace is

J- ace no more play time we are on the job now

I slip my shoes on and we head into the hallway. I stand at the end of the hallway with ace in between my legs

J- K buddy there and back

He runs down the hallway and then comes back.

J- let's go dude

We head to the elevator and head down.

Erikas pov
Rocky and I wait for the elevator to come. The doors open and A dog immediately comes running out.

?-sorry ladies

The cops turns down the hall and we get in.

R- that's the cop that lives on your floor
E- I still haven't met him yet
R- maybe he can be your boyfriend

I shake My head and we get out of the elevator and we walk down to my door. I unlock it and head inside.

R- I still can't get over this place
E- yeah I know me too
R- you have any food
E- rocky we just ate dinner
R- snacks
E- I don't get how you're still this skinny
R- hey me either

Rocky grabs popcorn and sits on the couch with me. I grab the remote and put Netflix on.

3 am

E- I can't believe your making me go to target
R- it's going to be fun
E- not at 3am
R- it will trust
E- let's just go

We leave and I turn around to lock the door. We hear voices

?- come here dude

We turn the corner and see the cop. As we walk by him he turns his head and smiles. As I take a good look at his face it's one that I know. We get into the elevator and I look at rocky

R- what's up
E- nothing

We get to out of the elevator and head to my car. We get in and head to target. We soon get there and head inside

E- what do you want
R- I don't know
E- lead the way and I'll follow.

About An hour later we are back at my house

Jakes POV
I check the time 4:30pm and I have to be at work soon. I let ace out and I get out too. I lock the door and ace takes off running the opposite way of the elevator. I run to get him and my neighbours door is open. I knock on the side open door and step inside

J- ace

I walk more in and I see aces tail wagging. I turn the corner and see him getting pet from the girl I saw this morning.

J- hey I'm sorry

She looks at me and my eyes open wide

J- oh shit

She stands up and we both just look at each other.

J- I think imma go let's go ace

I walk away and leave. I stand in the hallway and he doesn't walk out.

J- ace dude let's go

I hear his paws on the ground as they get closer. Soon they appear at the door and she leans in the doorway

E- what's going on baddie

Why isn't see like being weird or freaked out by this.

J- I um...why aren't you like freaked out by this
E- I prepared myself last night
J- of course you did
E- *smiles* hey what's that supposed to mean
J- *smiles* you used to prepare yourself before you asked the teacher something
E- that's is not true
J- oh but it is

We both smile at each other and I walk up to her and in gulf her in a hug.

E- I missed these
J- *chuckles* I missed hugging another women other than my mom

We back away

J- why are you so chill
E- because I kinda expected it to happen one day
J- I knew we were going to see one another but not be neighbours.

My radio goes off

R- suspected burglary at Drew's on queens. White male red shirt and black shorts roaming around the building
J- copy
J- I'll talk to you later let's go ace

I take off jogging and ace appears beside me. We run down the stairs and head into my car. I get him in and get in myself. I start the car and press on the gas. I head to Drew's on queens and I soon get there and park in the parking lot. I put ace on his leash and take him out. As I look around I see the guy run out of Drew's. Me and ace start running. I hear cop cars coming.

J- stop!

He keeps running as I tell him more times to stop. I let go of ace and I slow down. Ace gets the guy in the thigh. He goes down and I catch up to them

J- off

I get on the guy

?- backup

I feel someone grab his feet. I grab my handcuffs and cuff him.

J- take him I need to get my dog

He takes over and more guys come over. I go to ace who sits on a step of a shop.

J- come on

He walks up and I pet him all over

J- good job buddy

I start to feel pain in my thigh. All that running in my second day wasn't a good thing.


I drive back home after being at work for a pretty long time. I check the time 7:30pm. I look in the back seat and ace is laying down. I get into the parking garage and park. I get out and open the door for ace. He slowly gets up and we head to the elevator. The elevator opens and someone walks out. I put my hand in between before it closes. I get in and ace walks in. I lean against the wall in pain. I push the button and we go up. The door opens and ace runs out. I limp my way out and to my door. I pull my keys out and unlock it. I hear footsteps behind me

E- didn't die today?
J- surprisingly no
E- where's your little partner
J- probably at your door.
J- ace dude she's over here

He comes running over and onto Erika

Sequel- what a baddieWhere stories live. Discover now