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2 weeks later
Jakes POV
I took a week off so I can rest my thigh this thing has been killing me. My front door opens and I see Erika walk in. Yeah that's right...Erika. We've been having conversations in the hallways and we've been in each other's places a couple times. Things sometimes get flirty. She sits beside me on the couch as the hockey game is on.

E- this is what you watch
J- what's wrong with it
E- never though you would like hockey
J- it's second to football

Ace comes in the living room and he sits near Erika On the ground. The second period ends with the Boston bruins winning 2-0 against the Columbus blue jackets. Surprisingly I don't go for the blue jackets I go for the bruins.

J- how was work
E- same old same old
J- sign anyone
E- nope didn't like them
J- would you sign me
E- if I saw what was under your clothes then maybe
J- nothing has changed since high school
E- I don't believe that
J- I'm ripped you see my muscles coming out of this shirt

I point to my arm and I look at her and we both have smiles on our faces

E- there are guys with better muscles
J- oh yeah
E- yeah

I stand up and put my weight on my left leg. I take my shirt off and throw it at Erika.

J- it doesn't get better than this

I sit back down on the couch but ended up closer to her. I look over to her and our faces closer than ever. With my right hand I go over and grab her chin. We both lean in and our lip attach and I push myself up onto her as we lay down on the couch. My hand goes to her waist and the other supports myself. I drag my lips to the back of her ear. I then make my way back to her lips. The goal horn goes off and it scares me

J- motherfucker

I reach over and grab the remote and put it lower. I look back to erika and our eyes connect. I go back to her lips and then I pull back

J- I can continue right

She leans forward and grabs the back of my neck. She connects our lips and I smile in the kiss. Some how I manage to flip us over so I'm on the bottom. We soon pull back and she rests her head on my chest. I grab her hand and put it in mine.

J- *sighs* I missed you

She kisses my chest and it sends shivers down my whole body.

Erikas pov
I wake up sitting up and breathing heavy. The only light is coming from the tv. I had a dream that I was with Jake and he was touching me again. I look down and see I'm sitting on his thighs. I try to get off of him but he sit up on his elbows

J- you okay?
E- no-no

I get off of him and walk backwards to the door

J- hey

He stands up and walks towards me. I walk into the door and I freeze.

Jakes POV
I slowly walk up to her and I reach my hand out. I talk softly

J- I'm not going to do anything trust me

She grabs it and I pull her into my chest

J- I won't hurt you
E- I'm sorry
J- it's not your fault
J- let me bring you back to yours

I hold her hand and walk out into the hallway. Ace follows behind. I open her door and let ace in first. We walk in and I bring her to her room.  She gets in bed and ace jumps on the bed

J- ace dude not the time let's go

I look down at Erika and her eyes are shut

J- be good

He cuddles up into Erika and I leaving going back to my place and going to sleep.


I walk over to erikas and I open the door and walk in. I hear no noises or anything. I walk upstairs and go into her room. I hear the shower on and ace still sleeps on her bed. I get on her bed and lay next to ace. After a bit the door opens and Erika comes out in a towel

E- oh yeah you can walk right in
J- can we talk about something
E- go ahead

She walks into the closet and I go and stand in the doorway

E- really?
J- I don't want you to be scared of me. I know what happened, happened but I was drunk I didn't know what was going on
E- you don't drink
J- someone made me and that's why I'm not friends with them anymore.
E- so you're blaming it on someone else
J- no
E- then what are you trying to say
J- I don't know
E- they got you to drink but I don't think they got you to touch me
J- they didn't
E- you're not helping yourself out
J- I don't want to lie to you
E- oh that's different
J- I changed
E- turn

I turn around

E- how tell me how
J- I stopped juuling I left my best friends I kept out of trouble
E- why didn't you change when we were together
J- because I had you
E- if you changed then we would still be together
J- we can get back together
E- no
J- we literally made out last night

I turn around and see her putting her shirt on

E- doesn't mean I want to be with you
J- but you do
E- I don't

She turns around

E- I don't want to get into another relationship. I just got out of one like 2 months ago where I would get beat up and used. I only wanted you back because you were the only one that treated me right until that day!

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