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Jakes POV
I haven't slept in 3 days and I'm dead and pissed off. I get in the elevator and go up to my floor. I drag myself to my door and open it. My phone starts ringing and it's Erika. I don't even pick up because I know that I'm pissed off and that's not gonna end well. I throw it on the couch and head upstairs. I get changed and go straight to bed. I turn the tv on and pull the covers on my body. I watch the news and just look for stuff about the police. I hear my phone go off and see it's Ethan from the station

E- hey Jake it's been a long couple days and haven't had any sleep so why don't you take the next two days off
J- hey thanks I appreciate that

Oh my god that is probably the best text message I've seen in a long time. I see ace walk in and he looks pretty sad. I sit up and the side of my bed

J- come here

He puts his head on my knee

J- you want to go for a walk

He bolts out of the room and heads to the door. I slip some shoes on and we head out. We head to a park and about 30 minutes later we come back. He runs out of the elevator and I follow. I see him turn the corner to where erikas door is.

J- not today

He doesn't come back

J-ace let's go

I unlock the door and wait. I walk to erikas door and see her bent down petting ace.

J- hi

She looks up to me and smiles.

E- I was just about to ask you if you wanted to go eat
J- can we postmate
E- yeah
J- what do you want
E- don't care

Me and ace follow her inside and the door shuts behind us. Ace lays down near the couch and I follow erika and pull my phone out

J- McDonald's
E- no
J- Taco Bell
E- nope
J- Panera
E- no
J- chipotle
E- yes
J- here

I give her my phone

E- let me do it in my phone so I can pay
J- I'm paying
E- but I want to
J- nope just order

She does her thing and then gives it Back to me. I place our order and we wait. I go and plop down on her couch

J- ah I haven't slept in three days And I'm dying
E- why

She sits near my head and I push it onto her leg

J- just dealing with something at the station that I can't tell anyone about
E- not even me
J- nope

She plays with my hair and my eyes get heavier.

I walk out of the elevator to erikas building and Mary tells me I can go into her office. I walk down the hallway and knock. I push open the door and see erika up against the wall by a guy. Her head is tilted back and her eyes squeeze shut and she tried to push him off

Okay that's enough of that. I sit up and rub my eyes. There's a knock at the door and i go get it. I take the food from the guy

J- thanks

He smiles and leaves. I shut the door and put the food in the kitchen. Erika comes over and we eat.


E- Jake?

She keeps her eyes on the tv and I look at her

J- yeah?
E- what are we?
J- Um...what ever you want us to be
E- because when you drove me to work one day you said that you came to pick up your neighbour
J- I didn't want to say something if I didn't know it was true
E- we're friends aren't we
J- yeah
E- then?

We both sit in silence and it kinda gets awkward.

J- I'm sorry erika I just didn't know what to say

She sits still and keeps her eyes on the tv. I take the remote out of her hands and I sit on her lap. I put my forehead on hers

J- I'm sowy

A slight smile appears on her face. I kiss her nose

J- what do you want to be? We can be friends best friends friends with benefits or girlfriend and boyfriend
E- in between friends with benefits and girlfriend and boyfriend

I give her a kiss and I sit beside her. She crawls onto my lap and cuddles into me.

J- I'm off for the next two days do you want to do something

She pulls back and smiles

E- remember how we went to get myself an outfit for that event
J- yeah?
E- well it's tomorrow and you can come
J- you want me to go?
E- instead of me going by myself
J- what is the event
E- it's a runway show
J- I'll pass
E- why come on please
J- *sighs* Fine

She smiles and hugs Me

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