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Jakes POV
Erika and I wrestle on the bed. I lay on my back with erikas head under my arm and my hand holding the back of her thigh. I let go of her

J- *smiles* okay I have to go to work
E- no I don't want you to

She sits on my stomach

J- I'll back back later
E- what time
J- if I get on the road by 9 I'll be home at like 6

She pushes herself off of me and I get up. I take a shower and get changed. I walk into my room and grab my belt and vest. I put those on and put my hat on too. I head downstairs and put my shoes on

J- rik

I hear her walking over

E- I missed that

She grabs the sides of my vest near my shoulders and she goes on her tippy toes to give me a kiss.

E- be safe
J- I will
E- love you
J- love you too

I get one more kiss and I head out

Erikas pov
I find the neckless that jake gave me in a box in my house. It was tucked away pretty deep in a box. After a while check the time 6:23 and no Jake. I go to Jakes and head into his room. I turn the tv on and wait. I hear the door open and then footsteps coming up the stairs

J- babe?
E- yea

He walks in and throws his phone and keys on his dresser.

J- nice neckless
E- how did you notice so fast

He shrugs his shoulders and he takes his vest off. Then his belt comes off and he gets changed into shorts. I hear my phone go off a couple times so I get up and go lean on the dresser.

S- we are outside of your door
S- are you even home
S- rocky is getting mad

I feel Jake grab my hips and he goes down to my neck.

S- I know you've seen this
E- why are you guys even here
S- rocky wanted to come and I decided that I wanted too
E- I'm not home
S- then where are you
E- I'm just not home
S- Erika
E- I had to head back to work
E- things are getting stressful
E- I have to have my full attention on work and nothing else
S- then why are you with Jake
E- I'm not
E- I'm not home let's talk about this later

Jakes POV
Erika puts her phone down

E- *giggles* okay Jake stop

She takes my hands off of her and turns around.

J- come on
E- we already had sex two days in a row
J- let's make it three
E- your so gross

She leaves me standing there and she heads downstairs. I follow her and go into the living room. She lays on the couch so I lay on my side and put my head on her shoulder. I close my eyes trying to go to sleep.

1 hour later

I wake up to a knock on the door. I look up to Erika and she is asleep so I carefully get off of her. I go open the door and ace follows.

J- oh hey mom
P- I thought that I would come by since I have met seen you in A while
J- give me one sec I have to go put a...Christmas present that I bought you away
P- you already bought a gift
J- yeah?

I shut the door and run to erika. I shake her

J- Erika my mom is here

She rubs her eyes and sits up

J- rik you have to move faster than that
E- take a pill I just woke up

She stands up and I grab her. I bring her in my room

J- stay here

I head downstairs and open the door for my mom again. She walks in and we walk in the living room

P- how's work
J- good
P- do you have anyone special
J- no
P- you have to explore and get out of the house
J- and go where
P- a bar or something
J- first of all I don't drink and never will secondly I have no friends to go with
P- how about the guys at the station
J- those are work friends I would never go out with them
P- why don't you call chance or Anthony

Erikas pov
I go sit at the top of the stairs

J- mom-
P- I bet they miss you
J- chance and Anthony left me They wouldn't miss me
P- you never know
J- I do I was friends with them since jk
P- why don't you at least try and call them
J-I've been alone for the past 6 years I'm fine
P- but you need to find someone
J- I know but when I do, I do
P- I'm just tying to help
J- I know but what happens if I don't want to marry anyone
P- you always did
J- that was in high school I had someone that I loved very much and couldn't keep my mind off of but we broke up and it crushed me. I just don't want to go through something like that again

That's how he feels

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