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"Bella no!"

The freckled boy yelled while running after his dog when the doorbell rang. Sighing as it kept barking at the front door, as if someone wanted to break in.

"Give me back my keys!" Felix said and tried to grab the keys from the small animal's paw. Sighing once again as his mission failed.

The doorbell rang again and Felix quickly opened the door, revealing his best friend. "Need help?" Jeongin said.

"Please" Felix replied looking over the youngers shoulder, revealing a big black car with a few people in it.

"Who is that?" Felix asked, a little embarrassed since he actually knew it was Chan.

"It's Chan and a few friend of his, and Jisung is there too~" Jeongin cooed at the older. Earning a small yelp from Felix.

"I'm not going" Felix said and looked down at his dog again, smiling lightly as it let go of his keys and suddenly got interested in a plastic bone.

"What?" Jeongin said suprised, watching his best friend pick up the keys and attempting to take if his shoes.

"I'm fucking awkward around him, I'm gonna be in panic gay mode" The older whined and pouted, staring at the dark haired male in the car.

"It's not like he's a fucking asshole, he's actually really nice when you get to know him, Lix." Jeongin replied, chuckling at the way the other stared.

"Fine" Felix said. "I'll go"

He looked down at the animal he hated but loved so much, petting it's head gently earning a small bark from her. "I'll be back soon"

He closed the front door and locked it from the outside, following his best friend to the car with slightly flushed cheeks.

Loud music filled Felix' ears and he looked at Chan, frowning slightly. "You said it was gonna be a small party!" He said.

"It is, I don't know why Jackson has his music so loud since it'll be us only." Chan replied, now pressing the doorbell.

A few moments later the front door opened, revealing a tall dark haired boy and a slightly smaller boy behind him.

"Move bitch" The smaller male, which was Jackson of course, said pushing away the other. "Welcome to this not-really party, it's actually just a come here and chill with the Kim's or whatever"

"Would be nice if you let us in Jackson" Jisung said who was behind Felix.

"His voice his voice his voice his voice his voi-"

"Oh yeah of course!" Jackson said. Now moving to the side to let everyone in.

A few moments later everyone was sitting down on couches and bean bags in the living room.

Felix chose to sit down next to his best friend on the couch, cheeks flushing as he felt the free spot being taken by Jisung.

"Fuck he's hot." Felix thought, now looking down at his knees as their legs touched. "Oh god.."

"Do y'all want something to drink?" The tall male from earlier said. "One coke" Felix responded. "Make that two, Seung" Jisung now leaning against the couch next to him said.

"Two whiskey please~" Jeongin, his best friend suddenly cuddled up with Chan, said with an innocent smile.

And soon it all went wrong, now 4 of the 9 people in the room sober. Which were Felix, Jisung, Seungmin and the unknown male who was in the car as well, named Changbin.

Felix now looking at his best friend with a small smile laying on top of his childhood friend, Chan. Thinking about what could've happened if he didn't leave them alone in the library and what could've happened if they both took another shot of alcohol.

He got interrupted from his thoughts as the other sober boy next to him poked his shoulder. Felix looked at him and smiled softly as Jisung's finger poked his cheek gently.

"Sorry I got bored" Jisung said, pulling away his finger with a soft chuckle.

Felix could swear he heard his own heart beat. "It's okay.. you're not drunk right?" He asked Jisung, earning a shaking head.

"I mean, somebody has to watch them, right?" Jisung replied, looking at the other two males in the room who probably weren't sober anymore. "You wanna do something?"

"Sure.." Felix replied in a small voice.

I just got an idea for the next scene and I'm shook

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