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Felix woke up the next day, tired. Very tired. He sighed deeply as he lifted his head from the pillow he was crying on the night before, scrunching his face as he felt his eyes starting to burn slightly.

"I feel like shit.." He mumbled to himself, grabbing his phone from his nightstand and sighing deeply once again at what he saw.

5 missed calls from A baby.

14 messages from A baby.

3 missed calls from unknown.

5 messages from Channie.

He frowned at the notifications, trying to figure out who 'unknown' could be.

He laid on his side, letting out a sigh of relief as he found this position more comfortable.

"Let's see.." Felix mumbled to himself again, now opening the messages he received.

A baby

10.52 PM

Where are you?
Are you okay?
Please call me I'm worried..
Or text me
Whatever you're comfortable with
I hope you're okay
Is it okay if I come over tomorrow?
I love you.

12.04 AM

Jisung told me what happened
I hope your okay
Sleep a lot okay?
You need to rest..

9.53 AM

I'm okay Innie, thank you for
looking out for me. It'll be nice
if you come over today but you
don't have to if you're too busy.
I love you too.

4.29 AM

Hey Lix, I talked to Jisung
and I hope you're okay..
We hope you're okay.
Please text me back when
you can
Ji wants to talk to you
Take care buddy

9.55 AM

I don't want to talk to Jisung.

Felix was now cuddled up with Jeongin on his couch in the living room, Chan sitting in front of him, worry filling his eyes.

"He basically j-just bullied me for being gay.. a-and Jisung just stood there, laughing and chuckling.. with his s-stupid pretty face and his stupid pretty dark eyes.." Felix ranted to the other two boys in the room.

Chan smiled lightly at the small compliments Felix gave while ranting, chuckling a little as he noticed that Felix didn't even knew what he was saying.

"Pretty face?" Chan asked, tilting his head a little.

Making Felix nod, grunting in annoyance as he knew why he said that. "He's fucking gorgeous" Felix replied, now crossing his arms.

Chan was about to respond to the younger's comment, but got interrupted by the doorbell.

"He's not allowed in this household." Felix said, watching Chan getting up and walking to the front door, planning to open it. Now wrapping Jeongin's arms further around his shoulder, fully laying against Jeongin.

"It'll be okay Lix" Chan said and now opened the door, greeting the other person outside.

Felix turned away his head from the front door and closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep.

"Felix.." He heard a boy next to him say, immediately knowing it was Jisung.

"Do you guys hear something?" Felix said with his eyes closed, raising his hand and trying to push away Jisung his face, but instead touching Jisung's hand.

Felix opened his eyes and pulled back his hand, now sitting up and looking at Jisung. "I-I'm sorry.."

Jisung smiled and sat in front of him, shaking his head gently. "It's okay Lix.. Just- forgive me for not defending you.." Jisung said again, now leaning in to Felix his face. Getting closer and closer..



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