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"c.mina124 has requested to follow you.." Felix mumbled, looking up at the boy next to him, who was playing minecraft on his laptop.

"Why would she follow me?" He asked the older boy.


"Huh? Yes, what?"

"Are you even listening?" Felix huffed, moving to sit down next to Sung's knees.

"I thought you broke up with her.." He said again, finally grabbing the older boy's attention.

"I didn't, yet" Jisung said, as he placed his hand on Felix' knee. "I will, I promise"

"Can't you do it now?" Felix said, looking over at Jisung's phone. "Text her"

"I'm not gonna break up with her over text, silly"

"Why not?"

"It's such an asshole move"

Felix sighed, getting off the bed. He made his way out of the room, before turning around to look at Jisung. "Can you do it this week? Please?"

Said boy nodded and glanced over at the younger. "I will"

Insert doorbell noise bc idk which one to put

Felix walked towards the front door and opened it gently, revealing Felix' best friend, Jeongin.

They greeted each other and Felix put on his shoes and jacket.

"Where are you two going?" Jisung said as he walked downstairs, Felix turned around and chuckled lightly.

"Out, without you" He said teasingly and Jisung crossed his arms playfully.

"I wouldn't go with you two anyway, so" He said as he let out a soft chuckle before walking towards the living room. "Have fun though"

"Thanks" Jeongin said and made his way to the sidewalk after Felix closed the front door.

"What do you want to talk about?" Felix spoke up, looking over to the younger who was looking down at the ground.

"Nothing actually, I just wanted to hang out with you.. Chan is busy lately so he doesn't have time to do anything with me" Jeongin said with a small pout, it disappeared immediately after he looked at Felix with a smile. "So what do you want to do?"

Felix frowned a little and shrugged his shoulders. "We can go to a café?" He suggested and hummed as the younger agreed.

The two started walking towards the cute little café, as they did that Felix started thinking. 'What could Chan be busy with?' 'Was he that busy that he couldn't even spend a little time with Jeongin?' He sighed a little and decided to have a small talk with Chan later.

Both boys sat down on a small table next to the window as they drank their drinks. Jeongin humming happily. "This is so tasty!!" He said and looked at Felix, who was smiling at the younger's cutenesses. "It is~"

"What time is it?" The younger asked.

"4.30 PM"

"Can I sleep over at yours, please? I don't wanna sleep alone.."

"Sure you can, we have to go back to Jisung's house though, my stuff are there"

❥ (Yes timeskip again 😡)

The two boys arrived at Jisung's house after they both finished their drinks at the café, they walked up to the front door and Felix pressed the doorbell, knowing Jisung was home.

After a suspicious amount of time, the door finally opened, revealing Jisung with messy hair.

"What took you so long, hm?" Felix said and chuckled softly as he ruffled the older boy's hair, before walking inside.

"I was sleeping, that's why, yes" Jisung rambled.

"Okay, I'm here to grab my stuff though, Jeongin is sleeping over so I'm going back to my house" Felix said as he took off his shoes and made his way to the stairs, only to be stopped by Jisung.

"I'll get them" He said and Felix smiled a little, shaking his head and making his way upstairs.

"Nooo it's okay !! I'll get them don't worry, it's not a lot"

He heard Jisung letting out a small sigh as he walked behind Felix, who was frowning as he got stopped again. "No, I'll get them, stay here" Jisung said and Felix pushed Jisung's arm away gently.


"It's okay, really"

"No, but you don't understa-"

Felix opened the bedroom door, his eyes widening as he saw a girl on the bed, half naked, on Jisung's bed.

"Of course" Felix sighed, not even suprised that Mina was here to ruin everything again.

"I can explain" Jisung tried as Felix walked into the room, grabbing bag where from the ground, clearly angry.

"Don't even try" He said and stormed out of the bedroom, earning a small snicker from Mina, who watched everything with a evil smile.

"Felix, wait" Jisung said again, his hand on Felix shoulder to stop him.

"Don't fucking touch me!" Felix yelled, his eyes teary. "You made a promise and you broke it."

"What is going on?" A small voice was heard downstairs, being Jeongin who was still downstairs waiting for Felix to grab his stuff so they could go.

"I would love to say he cheated on me, but I can't because we're not together" Felix said as he walked downstairs while wiping his eyes, it was hopeless though because tears kept rolling down his cheeks.


"Is this why you didn't break up with her? You just wanted a quick fuck and then go back to her, pretending I'm just your personal toy?" Felix shouted as he turned to Jisung.

"No, I just-"

"You just what? You just didn't care about how I was feeling? You can do that to people, Han. You can't just take people's virginity like you're in love with them and then go back to your fucking girlfriend, who clearly ruins everything!!" Felix continued, looking down at the ground.


"No save it. I don't want to hear it."

Jeongin placed his hand on Felix' shoulder, letting him know that he was still there, for him. And that he basically wanted to go his house. "Let's go"

Felix nodded and turned around to walk out of the house, sobbing lightly as he got comforted by the younger.

"You clearly fucked up, Jisung. You'll regret this, trust me." Jeongin said harshly, before closing the front door and walking beside Felix, on their way ti his house.

I didn't proofread btw ahah
this chapter sucks but yes im still alive 🤡

But guys...

THANK YOU FOR 10K OMG 😭😭 Ily guys this book isn't even that good :((

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