
14.1K 389 507

made this in one go at 1 am bare w me sexc's <3

Felix loved this.

Being woken up by the sun, while his boyfriend was sound asleep next to him.

Or so he thought.

The blonde sat up slowly and looked around in the bedroom where he and Jisung had some fun last night. (A/N: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

"Ji? .." He said softly as he rubbed his eyes with his small fist, wincing a little as he moved to get off the bed, feeling a sharp pain in his lower back. "Jesus."

He walked out of the bedroom and walked downstairs after calling out Jisung's name. "Ji? Where are you?"

"Lix?" A voice was heard, obviously from the kitchen.

"There you are" The younger said with a smile and made his way to the kitchen, only to be stopped by Jisung who was covering his eyes. "No!"

Felix pouted "But I'm hungry!" crossing his arms he moved his face to look up at Jisung. "And you smell nice .."

"Breakfast would be ready soon, babe" The older said chuckling as he turned the blonde around, patting his butt before pushing him gently to the stairs. "Get dressed"

Felix let out a small whine as he felt his butt getting patted. "That hurts!" He said as he turned his body again towards Jisung.

"You weren't saying that last night~" He sang as he walked back to the kitchen.

"I don't feel so good, Jisung.."

"Lol what d'you mean? Are you like vegan or sum?" Jisung said as he continued eating his 𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑦 breakfast he made for the two of them.

Felix looked at Jisung as he let out a small sob, shaking his head. "N-no.."

Jisung hummed as he watched Felix squirm around, obviously not feeling good after eating the breakfast that Jisung made. "You good?" (A/N: I HATE IT THAT I MADE JISUNG LIKE THAT BYEEEE😭😭)

"No, Jisung" Felix managed to get out, before leaving the kitchen as soon as possible, making his way to the toilet.

"What-" Jisung said as he watched Felix running out. He just sat there waiting for Felix to come back, until he heard him puking.

"Oh fuck-" The older rambled as he quickly joined Felix, rubbing his back soothingly to somehow calm him down. "Fuckfuckfuckfuck"

Well it was obviously not helping.

"Baby I'm so sorry.." Jisung apologized, his heart breaking as he heard the little sobs from the blonde. "Do you want something, like water?"

He got no response, just a tired and softly crying boy who was clinging onto him like a koala. "'M sorry .."

"Don't apologize, doll. It's all my fault.." Jisung said as he picked the boy up after flushing the toilet.

He carried the Australian upstairs to the bathroom to help him wash his mouth and face and drink a glass of water, well like 1/4.

"Hurts.." Felix spoke up as he was carried to the bedroom, his little fist tightly holding onto Jisung's shirt. "I know, princess, It'll feel better after some medicines, yeah?"

Felix shook his head, refusing to let go of the older as he felt soft material hit his back. Jisung had tried to place him on the bed.

"Please let go? I will get you some medicines, I'll be right back" Jisung said softly as he tried to remove Felix' hands from his shirt. "Please?"

"No!" Felix shouted as he let out another cough, already sweating since got hot while throwing up.

"Please, baby?"

Felix huffed and finally let go of the older, sitting up slowly as he watched him walk to the bathroom and come back with a small bottle, which he assumed were the medicines, and a cup of water.

"'S yucky. 'M not gonna take that."

"Take it for daddy, please?"






Jisung gave him a deep stare, raising his eyebrow at the younger. "You really wanna go there?"

Felix whined and took the glass, huffing as he watched Jisung chuckle deeply while opening the small bottle with medicines.

"Good boy~" Jisung praised as he watched the Australian swallow a small pill, taking a sip of the cup immediately after. "I'm so proud of you!"

The Australian pouted and pushed both the cup and bottle of medicines in Jisung's hands, before falling back on the bed, letting out a small sob.

"Try to tell me when you have to throw up again, yeah? So I can help you" Jisung said as he walked to the bathroom to place everything back, coming back right after to join Felix on the bed.

"Mhm.." Felix hummed as he buried his face in Ji's chest, softly breathing as he reached for Jisung's hands to hold it. "Hold my hand"

"No, ask it nicely"

"Please?" Felix said as he looked up at Jisung.

"You're so cute" He smiled and held Felix' small hand gently, his other hand going up to run it through Felix' soft locks. "I love you"

"'M love you too" Felix said, his voice muffled as he buried his face in Jisung's chest again. "Sososo much!!"

Ik I said I ended this book but who follows the rules LOL 🤸

anyways ill probs just add small one shots to this at random times bc I hit 23K 😭 Ily all sm ok 😠

ok peace out <3

edit june 26th 2021 : not updating book cause its my 13th reason 😭😭😭 i cannot reread this book its too cringy for me but im glad yall like it 😲 it got so many reads omg ily guys ❤️ HYUNJINS FINALLY BACK THO PURRR

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edit june 26th 2021 : not updating book cause its my 13th reason 😭😭😭 i cannot reread this book its too cringy for me but im glad yall like it 😲 it got so many reads omg ily guys ❤️ HYUNJINS FINALLY BACK THO PURRR

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