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"Felix.." Jisung breathed out.

Felix looked down at the stuff he dropped, his bottom lip trembling a little. He had a secret, a big one.

Felix kneeled down to the bowl of popcorn and started cleaning up, not saying a word to the other person in the room.

"Felix?" Jisung said again, trying to get the youngers attention. "Lix I-"

Felix got up quickly and threw everything in the trash bin after walking back to his kitchen. With Jisung following him of course.

Felix was straight up ignoring the other male.

"Felix talk to me" Jisung demanded, but Felix still ignored him like he wasn't there.

"FELIX!" Jisung shouted and Felix shivered again, turning his head to Jisung. Tears starting to prickle in his eyes.

Jisung frowned as he saw Felix' teary eyes. "No no don't cry I-"

"M' not crying.." Felix managed to say through his sobs. But tears started to roll down his cheeks.

"You are" Jisung responded, a little confused. He never saw Felix this quiet.

Felix made a few tiny little steps towards Jisung, looking down at his feet and leaning his head against the slightly olders chest.

"Wan' chocolate milk.." Felix told him. His cheeks flushing a soft shade of red, he was embarrassed of his behavior towards the other male. He never showed his little side to people, except Jeongin. He was the only one who knew.

"I- I'll get you chocolate milk.."

Felix smiles lightly and walked past Jisung, on his way to the couch in the living room. Sighing softly as he finally sat down on the soft material.

A few moments later Jisung came back with a cup of warm chocolate milk, and a straw. He's not sure why he took that straw, but he took it with him anyway.

"Here's your chocolate milk Lix.." Jisung said, handing the Australian the cup and placing the straw in it with a small 'boop'.

"S' hot.." Felix said and looked up at Jisung. Making Jisung blow into the warm cup.


Felix nodded and took the straw into his mouth, sipping the warm chocolate milk like a child.

A child.

It's exactly what he felt like. A child.

"Lixie baby?" Was heard in the house.

Jisung invited Chan and Jeongin to Felix' house since he was big confused about the youngers behavior.

Felix looked behind him, seeing Jeongin with a worried look while slowly walking up to him.

"Hey prince, how are you?" Jeongin asked him softly, a warm smile forming on his lips as he saw Felix' eyes lighten up.

Jeongin quietly sat down next to the Australian and stroked his head softly, looking at the other with adoring eyes.

"It's been awhile since you slipped, hm? How come?"

"Sungie.." Felix mumbled, looking towards Jisung who was as confused as Chan.

"What did he do?" Jeongin asked, following Felix' eyes towards Jisung.

"He shouted at Lixie.." Felix continued. Making Jeongin glare towards the squirrel.

"Sungie was being a meanie to you? He's not nice to you at all, hm?" Jeongin said cockily.

Felix giggled lightly and nodded, crossing his arms and pouting playfully. "Meanie.."

He scooted over to the youngest and laid his head on Jeongin's shoulder. Mumbling about telling them.

"You wanna tell them?" Jeongin asked, wiping small teardrops under the other's eye.

Felix nodded, now fully burying his face into the younger males chest.

Just like that Jeongin told Jisung and Chan, but mostly Jisung, about Felix' little behavior. With Felix being a giggly mess as he played with his dog on Jeongin's lap.

"He's not like this very often, he hasn't been small since a month or two" Jeongin continued his explanation.

"When will he be normal again?" Jisung asked.

"Mostly after a nap, can you stay with him?"

"I don-"

"Sleepover!!" Felix shouted suddenly, smiling bright as he got off Jeongin's lap and made his way to Jisung.

"Stay wi' Lixie?" Felix asked the boy, looking at him with pleasing eyes.

Jisung smiled and nodded, pinching the little's cheeks gently. "Alright, I'll stay with you" Jisung answered.

Felix smiled and crawled on top of Jisung's lap, burying his face into the other's neck.

"Can we go?" Chan asked Jeongin, he got impatient.

"I was sucking his dick when you called me" Jeongin told Jisung, clearly not caring that he just exposed the oldest.


"Go please" Jisung said quickly, covering Felix' ears. A small chuckle escaping his lips.

Chan sighed in relief and grabbed Jeongin's wrist, dragging him out of the house. With Jeongin giggling of course.

"I guess it just you and me, cutie.." Jisung breathed out. Carrying Felix to his bedroom.

Hi I missed writing so I'll be more active teehee hope you enjoyed 🤩

Also- do y'all want smut? It's not coming in the next few chapters but I'm just asking, maybe I'll add it in episode 20 or wtv.

Mwah 🥰

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