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The day went faster than Felix thought and he sighed in relief as the school bell rang. Immediately grabbing his books and bag, walking out of the classroom straight to his locker.

"Felix!" He heard, but ignored it and continued speed walking towards his locker.

"What are you doing?~" He heard again, the voice now coming closer and closer as he opened his locker, quickly putting his books in his locker with a sigh.

"Playing soccer" Felix answered annoyed as a hand appeared on top of his locker door.

"Where's the ball then, hm?" The voice said again, now closing Felix' locker door as the blonde haired pulled his bag over his shoulder.

Felix sighed as he saw that it was Jisung who was bugging him.

"I'm going home" Felix replied, now turning away from the other male. Speed walking through the halls of his school, with Jisung following him.

"Are you mad at me?" Jisung asked the other, frowning a little as Felix didn't turn around to answer him.

"I have to walk my dog" Felix said again, ignoring the question he was asked.

"You don't have a dog"

Felix stopped his tracks and turned around, now facing the brunette. Jisung bumped into him, making Felix stumble back a little. "I do."


"Yeah, oh" He mimicked and continued walking out of the school, now on his way home on the sidewalk.

"You didn't answer my question by the wa-"

"Listen, I don't want to talk right now, okay? I don't even know if I'm mad at you cause my heart won't let me. Now please leave me alone" Felix sputtered out.

Jisung tilted his head a little and nodded slightly, he turned around and and went into a small alleyway. Felix assumed his house was there, since they live pretty close to each other.

He smiles lightly as he realized that the older immediately understood what he wanted. "Thank you.." he whispered.

"Bella, I'm home!" Felix yelled lightly, shrugging his bag off his shoulder and walking further into his house, seeing his dog sleeping on the couch.

He smiles softly and sat next to the animal, now petting its head with a small giggle.

Hey Felix

Felix grabbed his phone from his thigh and frowned slightly, now opening the message and removing his hand from his pet's head to type with two hands.

Don't leave me on read :(

Who is this?
I just opened your message
so calm down okay

It's Jisung

How did you get my number?

Chan gave me your number

Did you ask for my number?



It's not important

Well it is for me, I'm not even
sure if this is you

Well it is for me, I'm not evensure if this is you

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It's me

Oh okay good
What do you want

I'm bored let's talk

No thanks


Okay fine
Let me eat something first


Felix sighed and turned off his phone, getting off from the couch and walking towards the kitchen, it was when he was about to grab a bag filled with popcorn when he heard the doorbell.

He sighed once again and left the kitchen to walk to the front door, revealing Jisung behind it. "I- What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you" Jisung replied with a light smile.

"About what?" Felix asked, now stepping aside to let the older in, closing the door as Jisung walked in.

"Us, nice house by the way" Jisung said, quickly changing the subject.

"Us? Oh- thank you. Take off your shoes by the way" Felix told him and walked into the living room, continuing his task of grabbing the bag filled with popcorn.

"So.." He heard Jisung say. "What do you mean with that your heart won't let you be mad at me?" He continued.

Felix freezed for a short second before carrying the bag to the living room. "Do you want to watch a movie?" Felix said a little nervous, completely ignoring the question.

"Answer my question" Jisung said sternly.

"We could watch anything you wa-"

"FELIX I SWEAR TO GOD" Jisung said again, shouting up at the ceiling.

Felix flinched a little and dropped the bag filled with popcorn on the ground, making his dog, Bella, wake up from her nap.


I'm back y'allssss I kinda rly deleted wattpad for certain reasons but don't worry !! I'm back again and I'll write for you guys. <3

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