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"Maybe he invited her so he could break up with her?"

"She was half naked, Jeongin."


"Besides, his hair was messy, it wasn't when I left .."

It had all started again, Felix got something he really liked and there was always someone or something that ruined everything. It being Mina in this case, she ruined everything.

He would always end up in his room with one of his friends, eyes red and teary and wet cheeks while he hugged one of his favorite plushies.

The two best friends were sitting down on Felix' bed, talking about what just happened.

"l'm sorry it happened, Lix .." Jeongin said, trying to calm the older boy down.

"It's fine .. I'm not even suprised that it happened, I'm not even crying, you are-" He said, rambling the last part while wiping the tears off his face with his small fists.

Jeongin smiled faintly, he hated seeing his best friend like that, he really did. He hated everyone that Felix hated and Felix hated everyone that Jeongin hated. It was like a code.

"Hey hey .. you're okay, Jisung's not here" Jeongin said quickly as he saw how bad Felix' small hands were shaking, he was really upset.

"You're save, hm? Nobody's gonna hurt you .." The younger continued as he comforted Felix.

Felix nodded and sobbed lightly, looking down at his lap while fumbling with his hands. "Thank you .."

Jeongin was about to reply, until his phone rang. He glanced over at Felix one more time before picking. "Hello?"

Felix looked up again to watch Jeongin having his conversation over the phone, giving him a confused look since he wanted to know who it was.

"I can't, I'm at Felix his house.." Jeongin said before mouthing Chan's name silently, earning a small nod from Felix.

"We didn't eat yet, n- no you don't have to come it's fine-"

"No I'm hungry, Innie" Felix interrupted with a small pout forming on his lips.

"Come over then" Jeongin said with a sigh, soon hanging up.

"And she was already there when you arriv-"

"Yes, Chan. He already explained it to you"

Chan had joined the two in Felix' house by now, you can probably tell that there was some tension between Jeongin and Chan, but Felix didn't want to say anything about it so he just kept quiet.

He could see Chan giving Jeongin a look at the way the younger answered his question.

"I don't think I was asking you" Chan talked back.

"Then stop asking dumbass question where we already know the answer of!"

"I'm just making sure, I didn't know it was illegal to do that."

"That is so bullshit!"

"You know what's bullsh-"

"STOP!" Felix shouted at the two, his eyebrows frowning and eyes teary. "We're all here for me and you guys just start arguing? The fuck guys?"

This wasn't helping at all, Felix his heart just got broken and his childhood friend and his best friend were now arguing in front of him for the dumbest reasons.

"I'm sorry, Felix." Chan sighed, getting off Felix' bed before ruffling said boy's hair. "I'll go" He continued as he looked at his watch, it saying 7.47 PM.

Felix nodded and glanced over at Jeongin, who was rolling his eyes at Chan's words, he could tell that Chan saw it as well. "You wanna come home?"

"I don't think Felix wants to be alone right now, don't you think?" Jeongin said loud and clear.

"Fine then, stay here-"

"No, it's fine guys .. you should both go home since you both have to fix things .." Felix mumbled in a small voice.

Jeongin sighed softly and gave Felix a tight hug. "It's gonna be okay, yeah?" Felix nodded and watched the two walk out, immediately getting off his bed as he heard the front door close, meaning Chan and Jeongin left the house.

He sprinted towards the window, where he could see who was in front of the door. The couple were now standing in front of Chan's car, obviously arguing again.

The small boy opened his window a little, so he could hear what they were saying. Frowning at the argument.

"Literally why are you like this?"

"Why am I like this? Better question, why are you never here?"

"Never here? I'm here right now, aren't I?"

"Yes, Chan. For Felix, where were you when I wanted to hang out? Oh right, you were busy."

"I was, it's just coincidence that I was free back then"

"Oh of course it is"

"Get in the car" Felix heard Chan say sternly.

Felix watched Chan walking over to the driver's seat, he didn't get in though.

"Get in the car, Jeongin"

"I don't want to."

"You're getting in the fucking car right fucking now, before I will fucking throw you in it."

The young boy got in the backseat of the car, slamming the car door closed as he got in, earning a scoff from Chan who finally got in the driver's seat.

Felix watched the car drive away from his front yard and he sighed deeply, hating the fact that his two closest friends actually hated each other by now.

He decided to take a warm shower and crawl in bed, so he could slip in bed clean, there was school tomorrow.

"All schools are closed because of Covid-19, restaurants, beauty shops, malls and cafes are all closed until we hear more from our Prime Minister of Health. Have a good day and stay save" Was the last thing Felix heard before dropping his schoolbag on the ground.

He wanted to go to school after finishing his breakfast, he usually did that while watching tv, until his favorite tv show got rudely interrupted by breaking news.

He couldn't go to school, which means, no Jisung and Mina. If you could only see his face of how happy he was. He wanted to celebrate with his best friend immediately, Jeongin.

A babie

We have no school!!
We have to celebrate where are you!!!

I xsnt eakj


I can't walk

OOP- 😳🖐

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