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Felix woke up with cold sweat on his forehead, he sat up straight and laid back down on the bed as he started to gt dizzy from sitting up too fast.

It was a dream.

"No.." Felix whined as he realized what happened and looked around for his phone, checking if there was any evidence of Jisung trying to kiss him. But there was nothing to be found.

Felix fell asleep right after he replied to Chan's messages, they never came over to his house, he wasn't cuddling with Jeongin, he wasn't ranting about Jisung, Jisung didn't came over. And Jisung did not try to kiss him.

He looked at the time and it was now 11.23 AM. He slept for two hours or so.

He sat up again, but slowly this time. He got out of bed and went to the bathroom after grabbing his clothes he was planning to wear after he got out of the shower.

Felix was now slowly walking down the stairs, making sure he was not dreaming again. He pinched his arm a few times to double check and sighed in relief.

He smiled as he saw his dog sleeping on the dog bed. Being the nice pet owner he went to the kitchen and filled the two food bowls, one with dog food and the other one with water.

He placed the bowls next to the dog bed his precious dog was sleeping on and stroked it's head gently.

He kinda really waddled to the couch in his living room after that and turned on the tv, smiling widely as 'The Amazing World Of Gumball' was playing. (I love that show pls)

He was all in the episode that he didn't even hear his ringtone from his phone, until the sound filled his ears for the second time.

He grabbed his phone and answered immediately as he saw that Jeongin was calling.  "Hello?"

"Felix! Are you okay?" Jeongin said through the phone.

Felix tilted his head a little to the side and lowered the volume from the tv as he heard Gumball and Darwin destroying random things.

"Yeah, why?" Felix asked a little confused.

"Okay good.. I was just asking" Jeongin replied simply. But Felix could head the worry in the younger his voice.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Felix asked again, now fully turning off the volume of the show.

"You don't know?"


"Jisung got a girlfriend last night.. and lied about being with you"

Felix heart stopped for a 00,01 second but continued  beating rapidly after he realized what Jeongin said.


"Y-yeah I'm here.."

"You didn't know did you?.."


Felix could feel his eyes getting teary but wiped them away as quick as possible. Not wanting his best friend to hear that he was a crybaby.

"I'm coming over." He heard Jeongin say but before he could reply the younger already hung up.

Felix threw his phone on the seat next to him, letting his tears fall down his cheeks.

Why would Jisung lie over something like that? Was he embarrassed because of it? Did he hate Felix now? Or was it GeRrIT who forced Jisung to do it?

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