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Felix looked at Jisung was pointing at and gasped softly at the sight in front of him.

Jisung has brought him to the balcony of the 'Kim's' house. He smiled at Felix and looked at the beautiful sight in front of him as well.

"It's so pretty.." Felix cooed and looked at Jisung, who was staring at the lightfull buildings.

"I know.." Jisung replied a few moments later, kinda late, but it doesn't matter.

"Are you ready?" Felix asked the other male.

"For what?"

"For the game tomorrow?"

"Oh, of course I am"

Felix nodded, not really knowing what to say after that.

"You should come, I would appreciate that" Jisung continued, making Felix a little nervous.


"Cause I say so" Jisung responded, giving a light chuckle after.

Felix nodded once again and stared back at the city, sighing softly. "I'll try"

There wasn't really much to say at that moment, so the two of them just continue staring at the sight in front of them.

"Quit it" Felix sighed.

"Stop it! I'm trying to work!" Felix sighed once again, now carefully pushing his pet of his leg.

After 30 minutes of staring at the city, often stealing glances at Jisung, they went back inside and started cleaning up the living room. And going home after everyone was a little less drunk that earlier.

The next day, which was Friday, all of them were tired of course, but still tried to gain some energy for the big game that day. They all wanted to support Jisung and Chan who were in the football team.

After school, Felix immediately went home to do his homework.

"If I do all of them now, I can sleep right after the game" Felix said to himself. Unlucky him, he got a lot of homework. And Bella wasn't helping either.

As time passed it was now 8.46 PM and the game would end at 9. He was late.


Felix muttered and literally yeeted himself out of the door, after putting on his shoes and jacket, now running to his school which was 7 minutes away from his house.

As he arrived he saw people making out against cars which probably wasn't even theirs. People just casually walking by him and a lot of people even running away, while cheering, dressed in black and red.

"They won?" Felix asked himself and speed walked the opposite way of where all those people came from.

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