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"Felix!" A high pitched voice filled Felix his ears. He looked up as he was walking, immediately smiling as he saw his best friend.

"They won!" Jeongin said, now running up to Felix to hug him tightly. "Jisung made the last touchdown!"

Felix widened his eyes "Jisung.. fuck-" He looked around to find the boy but got caught by the younger it's worried eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Where's he?" Felix replied with a question. "Jisung? He went to the locker room I think, why?" Jeongin responded.

"I'll tell you later" Felix said again before running towards the locker room, trying pushing the door open with full force.

"Gotta pull on that buddy" A voice behind him said with a soft chuckle. "I knew that Seung-" Felix replied with a flush on his cheeks, kinda embarrassed for not thinking straight.

After pulling the door open he immediately went in, seeing a boy sitting down on the bench, a few girls sitting around him with big smiles on their faces.

"You're late." The boy said, now looking at Felix.

"I know I'm sorry Jis-"

"And you are?" One of the girl said getting up from the seat next to Jisung, making Felix look at her with a confused look. "I asked you a question, so reply." The girl said again, now crossing her arms.

"And that's suddenly your business?" Felix replied sassily.

"Well technically, yes, since you came in here disturbing us." The girl said again.

"That's probably one of the worst excuses I have ever heard." Felix thought. "Well you're actually in the boy's locker room, so you shouldn't be here at all." He replied again.

The girl groaned, now grabbing her back and leaving the locker room. The other 3 girls followed her, Felix was now alone with Jisung.

He didn't know how embarrassed he was, as Jisung looked at him, waiting for him to say something.

"So?" Jisung started. "What's your excuse?"

"I-I.." Felix stuttered, not really knowing what to say. "I don't have one.. I just forgot the time I'm sorry.." He said.

Jisung got up with a warm smile, now placing it on Felix his shoulder. Immediately pulling away his own hand as the door opened, now revealing two other boys.

"There he is!" One of the boys said. (Let's call him Gerrit cause he's a meanie) "And who is this little guy?" Gerrit said, now placing his probably unwashed hand in Felix his shoulder. Felix now shivering at the feeling.

"You don't have any rights to know who I am." Felix said, now shrugging off Gerrit's hand from his shoulder. Making the boy scoff.

"Isn't he like, gay?" The other boy said. Making Felix widen his eyes and step back a little. "Yeah.. the little gay mascot of the school, hm? Shouldn't you be sleeping around this time, little boy?" Gerrit teased.

Felix looked at Jisung, now seeing Jisung giving him a soft chuckle, Felix swore he heard his own heart shatter.

"I-I have to go.." Lix said and ran off with teary eyes. Now pushing the door open, thanking the gods up there for not embarrassing him in front of Gerrit, especially Jisung.

Felix pushed away the people in his way as he ran off the field, planning to go home. "Felix?" He heard from behind him. He even ran faster, not wanting to let his friends see that he was such a crybaby.

As he got in front of the school, he took a break from the running and looked behind him, now seeing Jisung running after him. He widened his eyes ran away again, now running towards his house which was 5 minutes away or something like that.

"Felix wait!" He heard Jisung say, hearing Jisung his running footsteps getting closer. Jisung was obviously faster than Felix so it was very questionable why Felix actually tried to run away from him. "Leave me alone!"

Jisung grabbed his wrists, making Felix turn around and trying to pull his wrists back. Not realizing the tears falling down his cheeks.

"Hey, hey calm down please.." Jisung said calmly.

"NO LET ME GO! I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU!" Felix shouted, now trying his best to release himself from the grip.

"Please calm down for me first, okay?" Jisung said calmly again, worry growing in him as he saw the tears on Felix his soft cheeks.

Felix stopped his actions and looked everywhere but Jisung. "Can you let me go now?" Felix asked with a tiny voice.

"How do I know that you're not running away again?" Jisung asked back, raising one eyebrow.

"I won't.. I promise.." Felix promised the boy, now feeling the grip on his wrists disappearing.

Felix looked behind Jisung his shoulder, now widening his eyes. "Oh my god!" He said, making Jisung look behind him, but seeing nothing but people talking or either making out under random street lights.

"What?-" Jisung said, now looking back in front of him and seeing Felix in the distance with full speed on his feet running to a house, which he guessed was Felix'.

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