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It was 8 PM.

"I look stupid"

"No, you look amazing"

Felix and Jeongin were in Felix' bedroom, getting ready for a party that they were going to attend in an hour.

Felix was checking out his outfit in the mirror that Jeongin picked for him, it was a pair of black jeans with a chain attached to it. The younger also picked a slight cropped black top for him, you could almost see his cute lil stomach. He looked like an e-boy, but a soft one.

"I look stupid" The Aussie repeated again, a small pout on his face.

"No, you look so cute Lixie" Jeongin said and got up, joining the older in front of the mirror.

"We look so cute~" The younger cooed, he was wearing the same as Felix. "Jisung will definitely fu-"

"Finish that sentence and I'll stay home" Felix said quickly, glaring playfully at Jeongin through the mirror.

"Fine~ but, you can't stay a virgin forever"

"You're just saying that because Chan wrecks every damn day" Felix said jokingly, but it was true. Kinda?

"Whatever" The younger replied and rolled his eyes.

Felix chuckled and right after that, Jeongin got a text from Chan that he was outside. "Oh, Chan's here already, are you ready?" The black haired boy said and looked at Felix, who was trying to fix his slight messed up hair.


The two of them quickly got out of Felix' apartment and walked towards Chan's car, after Felix locked the door of course.

"You look cute." The oldest said as Jeongin sat down in the passengers seat next to him. "Thank you~"

Felix got in the back, and of course was Jisung in the car as well. He was always there.

"You look cute." Jisung said, trying to copy Chan's voice. "I know" Felix replied simply but still blushing very lightly, having a little fight with the seatbelt.

Jisung chuckled and looked out of the window as they started driving to the house party.

Jeongin and Chan were immediately disappearing in the crowd since they entered the house, which made Jisung and Felix stick together.

"Jisung!!!!" A high pitched voice was heard as they entered the house, which was quite impressive since the music was fucking loud and you could barely hold a conversation.

Felix just followed the squirrel around the house as Jisung tried to find the voice who called for him.

Mina. Of course it was her.

"Where were you? You said you'd be here an hour ago" The girl complained immediately as they got close to her, clinging onto Jisung's arm.

She glanced over at the small boy next to them. "Why's he here? Did you bring him with you?"

"Fucking bitch" The Aussie thought. "Bet she ever got STD's"

"We came here with Chan and Jeongin" Jisung replied and made eye contact with Felix. His eyes were empty, like he had no emotions at the time at all.

"Oh, okay. Well anyways," Mina said, making Jisung snap back into reality and lay attention to the girl again. "I'll get us something to drink, do you want some pepsi?" She asked and Jisung nodded.

As the girl disappeared into the crowd, Jisung turned to Felix with frowned eyes. "Are you okay?"

"I swear I'll snap her fucking neck like a stick-"

Felix didn't even reply, he just stared at the football player. "Felix?"

"Huh? Oh. Yeah, sorry. I'm fine" Felix said quickly.

There were a lot of people around them.

"Do want some fresh air?" Jisung asked as he scanned Felix' face.

Felix nodded and followed behind Jisung towards the back of the house, it being a large outside pool. He held onto the back of Jisung's shirt as they walked.

Luckily there weren't a lot of people, everyone was just talking in a normal volume or either swimming.

"There." Jisung said with a small smile as they arrived, Felix immediately taking a deep breath from the fresh air and exhaling with a relieved sigh.

"Thank you, you should go back to Mina now, I'll stay here until we leave" Felix said as he looked around.

Jisung shook his head and tilted his head. "She can wait, I'd rather be with you" He said and chuckled softly.

Felix could feel his cheeks heat up a little, and smiles gently. "Thank you"

One hour later and the two of them were still talking outside, making lame jokes and stuff like that.

"Hey Lix?" Jisung asked as Felix eventually stopped giggling.

"Hm?~" Felix replied and looked back at Jisung.

"Have you been jn a relationship?"

"I-.. why are you asking me that question?"

"Just wondering"

"Well I haven't"

Jisung nodded and looked around, pretending to not be happy with the younger's answer.

"I think I'm gonna break up with Mina" Jisung said simply. Not really being bothered by the sudden statement. But Felix was.

"What? Why?"

"I have for someone else.." Jisung replied and looked at Felix.

"Ohhh who?? spill the tea!~"

"It's you."

Should I add smut in the next chapter 👀

Also thanks for the 3K omg 👁👄👁

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