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Warning :: smut       ,,      Jisung is cheating :o
                   - vanilla
                   - top!jisung
                   - bttm!felix


"I don't think that this is the right to do, Jisung.."

The two were leaving the party, making sure that Mina didn't spot them.

Poor girl was walking around the whole house to find her boyfriend. Welp. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"Don't worry" The older said softly as he held Felix' hand while they walked out of the house.

"How are we going to get home? Chan brought us here" Felix said in a small voice.

"My house isn't far from here, it's just a 15 minute walk.. does that sound good to you?"

Felix nodded and held onto Jisung's arm tightly, the cold air hitting his exposed stomach. Luckily, Jisung noticed and took off his jacket. "Here" He said softly and he placed the warm jacket around Felix' shoulders.


The 15 minute walk to Jisung's house felt like hours to Felix, but they eventually got there safe. But not even 2 minutes after they got inside, the two of them were all up on each other on Jisung's bed.

Dark purple marks were covering certain spots on Felix neck and collarbone. He let out a small whimper from the feeling, he was enjoying this so much.


"Hm?~" The marking boy hummed, his hands roaming around the Australian's soft hips.

"Hurry up, please.." Felix breathed out, whimpering once again as he locked eyes with the other male on top of him.

"So needy, hm? I'll take my time, angel" The older said, a deep chuckle leaving his mouth as he pulled away from Felix.

Felix huffed cutely, but didn't really mind. He didn't want this to end so quickly.

He watched Jisung take off his shirt and throw it somewhere on the ground. "I'll take it slow, yeah? I don't want to hurt you" He heard him say and he nodded.

Ji grabbed a small bottle of lube from his nightstand and tilted his head a little, the younger had already taken off his pants, he was almost naked. Almost. He decided to not take off his crop top, since Jisung said he looked cute and sexy at the same time.

"I love your skin, so much" Jisung breathed out deeply, pouring a good amount of lube on his fingers. He chuckled softly as Felix automatically spread his legs open. "Cute."

Jisung had placed a pillow under Felix' lower back. He wanted Felix to be comfortable with him, he wanted that more than anything.

"Just relax, baby"

He placed the tip of his finger in Felix' entrance, worried eyes scanning the younger's face as he fully pushed his finger inside at a painfully slow pace.

"Does it hurt?" He asked softly, only to receive a shaking head and a small smile as an answer from Felix.

The squirrel slowly pulled his finger out and pushed it inside the Australian repeatedly, adding another finger a few thrusts later, a quiet moan escaping Felix' throat.

Jisung hummed softly and wrapped his free hand around Felix' member, giving it a soft squeeze and stroking it at a slow pace. He wanted to pleasure Felix as much as he could. So he pleasured him with both hands, he was multitasking.

As soon as Jisung felt that the younger was stretched enough, he pulled his hands away and started to take off his pants.

While he did so, Felix was already a whimpering mess and they didn't even do the real thing yet.

The cute boy closed his eyes as Jisung started to take off his boxers, his cheeks flushing a bright color of red.

"You can just look at it, cutie" He heard Jisung say in a chuckle, yet he still had his eyes closed. His cheeks became even more red as he heard the cap of the lube bottle open. They were really gonna do it.

Felix' eyes opened again as he felt two hands on his thighs. "You ready?" Jisung said and he nodded softly.

That was enough for Jisung to push his length inside the younger in one go.

And fuck. It hurts so bad.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck-" Felix cursed out. "Go slow what the fuck are you doing?!~" He whined out.

The other male chuckled deeply and hovered above the younger boy as he was now fully inside him. "I'm sorry, Lix" He mumbled and placed soft and wet kisses on Felix' cheek and jaw.

He looked up at the boy on top of him and wrapped his legs around Jisung's waist, allowing him to continue.

Jisung got the sign and pushed out a little, before slamming back inside the other, receiving a loud moan from Felix.

"Fuck.." He mumbled once again and buried his face into the younger's neck, creating more hickeys as he continued the action.

It was only at this moment that Felix actually realized that he was doing it. He was having sex for the first time and he couldn't believe it. The thought of losing his virginity to Jisung, which was obviously happening already, made the feeling of the older inside him a hundred times better.

He wrapped his arms around the older male's neck as Jisung hit his prostate. It made Jisung sped up his pace even more, he was now basically abusing the poor boy's tight hole.

Skin clapping, loud moans and deep groans was filling the room, and god they were enjoying this so much.

The thought of Mina still being Jisung's girlfriend was not even important anymore.

"Ji Ji Ji, 'm so close.." Felix managed to moan out, his climax hitting him harder than ever.

"Let it go, baby." Jisung said deeply as he felt his own orgasm coming soon after, yet he was still pounding into Felix like it was their last time.

The bottom let out a soft long moan as he released on his stomach, it made Jisung come at the same time, his pace slowing down.

Said boy pulled away from the younger's neck and connected his lips with Felix' softly.

It was Felix' first kiss, ever.

Everything that they did just now was new to him, but not to Jisung.

What did I do 💀💀

Sorry if I made any grammar mistakes and stuff like that, let me know and I'll fix it as soon as possible <3

Hope you enjoyed 🥺

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