first day

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"Aaagh, Xander, we need more shampoo!" I call out to Alexander, my roommate, from the shower. First day of university; yay.

"It's under the sink!" He yells back. Obviously I'm not the only grumpy goose around here. Sighing, I rinse my hair and turn off the shower, throwing out the empty shampoo bottle. "If you knew the shampoo was almost done, why didn't you pull out the new bottle, oppa?" I grumbled as I walked into our room with my towel around my waist. Alexander bit his lip, averting his eyes. I raised an eyebrow and shrugged, turning to dress. I can't help but think, every time I see him, how much I admire him for being open about who he really is; I've covered up myself so much, I don't always remember who I am.

"Should I wear the sweater or the T-shirt?" I turn to Alexander who's already dressed and ready to go. "You'll look adorable in either. Hurry up please?" he whines, checking his watch. I roll my eyes and pull the sweater over my head, fighting my hair in the mirror. "Ready?" he held the door open, keys in hand. I roll my eyes and walk out the door. "You're not my umma, don't treat me like a child." I moan, getting into the elevator. "Stop acting like one." he teases, a hint of something unreadable seeping in his eyes, quick to disappear through his pupils. I squinted and looked away, confused. I'm not sure what it is but decide to brush it off, sure that it was just my nervous imagination on the way to school.

Once the elevator reached the bottom floor, we headed to his car, and I rubbed my eyes. "Why is school so early?" I bugged, drudging along the worn down road. Alexanders lips curled up at the sides, revealing his perfect teeth. "Because they wanted to annoy you, dear Kevin. If not for your existence, the day would start at twelve."

On the ride there, he explained how everything works. My schedule had been set a month previous and I examined it, sighing. Dance, advanced mandarin, advanced maths, then after lunch I had science and music theory.

   The cold paper laughed up at me as we pulled up to the building. I could feel the butterflies in me flying around and eating at my insides; carnivorous, Korea University brand butterflies.

Soohyun POV

"You forgot to take out the trash again? How do you always do this? I work hard with my gambling to put a roof over your head and you can't even do one simple task, it's all this teaching you've been doing Soohyun. This paperwork is keeping you up and you can't focus on what's truly important: me! You're so selfish, I can't believe you," he paused, slamming his hand on the table before raising his voice. "You and your students!" Jungyin went on yelling at me, disgust painted on his face. His eyes burned a deep shade of the color of hate, making me feel smaller. I became zoned out, not wanting my tears to show despite the fight they had to break from their prison; I understood how they felt at the least.

   "And the other day when you- are you even paying attention to me? I'm your boyfriend show me some respect!" He screeched causing me to flinch. "Funny, 'cause I'm your boyfriend too but you have no respect for me!" I yelled back, immediately won over by a feeling of remorse. The familiar hate caught fire, lining his irises with a quick flash of red.. "Did you really just talk back to me?" He growled, back handing me. I fell to the ground holding a hand to my now pulsing face. Hastily, I took the garbage and ran outside to dump it in the bin. The smell lingered, reminding me of my rotten life. No, I take that back, I thought to myself.

The garbage smells better.

Later, I reached the school glad to finally be back with my students instead of home... if I can even call it that anymore. "Good evening class, as you all know, I'm professor Shin, but as long as the principal isn't around you can call me Soohyun. I hope you all had a good summer. To start off I-" I was cut off when I noticed a new student in the back, wearing skinny jeans and a sweater that seemed painted on it was so tight. Then there's his hair... a perfect brown-gold, Bieber style fallen in his face, each strand captivating me. I made it to his full brown eyes. My knees felt weak. If eyes are windows into a persons soul, his blinds must be closed because his expression, while holding so much, wasn't showing what was on the other side. We made eye contact, his cheeks turning a bright shade of pink. I smiled at him, probably blushing a little myself.

   What were you thinking Soohyun? He's a student and you're in a relationship. Pull yourself together.

   "Um... it seems that we have a new student. Could you come up and introduce yourself?" I motioned to the still crimson boy, and he came to the centre of the class, smiling sheepishly. "Hello, my name is Kevin Woo, I am 19 years old and this is my first year here, so, please treat me well," he finished, returning to his spot around the back of the class.


   "A-as I was saying, to start off, I'm just going to get you all to socialise with each other, um, make friends with Kevin or something, I have paperwork to do to kick off the year, so, be good and don't kill anyone." I informed them, heading over to my desk and opening up a folder. Kevin... his name tasted sweet on my tongue.

You're getting in way over your head...

let's see, number of students. I looked up to do a headcount and when I reached Kevin, I dropped my pen in amazement. He was alone in the corner, dancing gracefully to a song I recognised instantly. The song that...Alexander... No. Forget that, Soohyun. The dance was the same as...that time... it came so easily to him, almost freestyle but it had to have been choreographed. I quickly scribbled down the number of students I had first day and looked back to Kevin. Looking around, I wasn't the only one watching him. "You're really good." One of the students said to him. Startled, he fell on the floor and became bugeyed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." she chuckled, holding her hand out to him, his face became red as he took her hand, standing up. Jealousy squeezed my insides and I looked back to my paperwork. I kicked myself for being so silly. If I weren't in a relationship it would be different. I've only been in employment a few years, at age 23 I'm only four years older than him.

Stop dreaming, Soohyun. You have no chance. You deserve Jongyin's abuse. You're nothing.

  I glanced up to see Kevin's hand was still in hers. They were talking and laughing together when Kevin looked my way. I met his complex, intoxicatingly secret eyes but coughed and adjusted my tie, breaking eye contact. Filling out this paperwork became my forced priority, my heavy pen lulling across the page. 

  I dared a final glance back at Kevin, who was smiling at his feet. Why is he so adorable?

   Why do I have to feel this way? I don't even know him...

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