Café latte

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Soohyuns pov

"Okay class, today we're starting our first unit in dance; Jazz." I began, hearing groans from my students. "Boring, I know. trust me, I'll make it fun. Jazz can be very exciting, it doesn't have to be slow or dull. Just watch." I finished, pressing play on the stereo. The room was instantly filled with energy and passion, music dancing through the air. I saw Kevin's face light up when the song started, his foot tapping to the beat. All the other students looked still bored and tired. "You don't have to be here. I only want serious dancers in my class and if you're going to face the day with an attitude, feel free to leave as I don't see why you joined this class in the first place. I will gladly mark you absent and we can go on with our day." I snapped, grabbing my classes attention. No one left. "Alright. this song has simple steps to it. a simple beat. easy to follow. I expect all of you to participate." I sighed, restarting the song and showing them the steps. This is going to be a long day.

Dismissing the class, I took a seat at my desk. "Mr. Shin... are you okay? You look upset." I heard a soft voice whisper to me. I looked up to see Kevin standing there, a look of concern painted on his face. "I'm alright, thank you. You can call me Soohyun if you'd like." I replied, a pang in my heart. It's nice to have someone care. "I mean it..." Kevin retorted, sitting down next to me. "You're my teacher, I care for your well being. What's on your mind? If you don't mind my asking." I blushed and chuckled. I'm being silly to go red over that. He's just being kind. "Just a bit of stress at home. Nothing you need to worry yourself over, Kevin. Go eat lunch." I turned back to my papers, hoping he would leave; I didn't want him worrying himself. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him stand up. "I didn't bring a lunch today. I'll leave you be, if that's what you want though." He bowed and began to walk away and I couldn't help it. "Wait. I'm just about to head to the café down the street, Café Latte. Would you mind accompanying me? I'll buy." He blushed and looked at his feet. "I couldn't ask you to do that." I sighed and stood up. "Of course you couldn't. that's why I offered. Now come, I don't want to go alone." I took his hand and pulled him along. The walk there went by fast and we soon arrived at the café, getting funny looks as we entered. My cheeks burned a bright red, matching his when I realised what I did and pulled my hand out of his. "sorry." I chuckled and sat down at the counter, Kevin joining me. "I've never been here. I'm told its good though." He murmured, looking around. "It is. I come here often, I'm friends with Eli, one of the waiters." I explained. He nodded and looked back at me. "Soohyun, welcome. Who's your friend?" Eli piped up from behind the counter, cleaning a mug. "Kevin Woo. He's one of my students." I replied, receiving a knowing look from Eli. "Ah yes, you've told me of this Kevin." Eli began, earning me a curious look from Kevin. I glared at Eli hoping he would stop talking. "The good student, wonderful dancer, charming, etc." Eli chuckled picking up his paper and pen. "What can I get for you?" he asked, Kevin smirking and blushing. "I'll have my usual and just give him whatever the special is this week." I replied, averting my eyes, feeling my own cheeks flush. "Okay, so your usual and the special for the 'special boy' then yes?" Eli bugged, poking me. "Eli, if you don't shut up, I swear..." I uttered, rubbing my face with my hands. He just smiled wider, walking away. I looked over at Kevin to see a satisfied smirk on his face. "I'm flattered. What else did you say about me?" He stated with the raise of an eye. "Nothing. I was just telling him how you're a good student is all, it gives me pride to have a good student. teaching is my life." I shrugged and smiled, hoping my colour had returned to normal. "Okay." he smirked "Thank you. Well, I'm a good student because you're a good teacher Mr. Shi- er... Soohyun." He beamed, tucking his hair behind his ear. He looked so cute, everything about him so precious and delicate.

I couldn't help but examine every detail on his face, the wrinkles by his eyes while he smiles, his seemingly poreless skin, soft nose, the eyeliner on his eyes. Not many guys can pull off eyeliner, Kevin looks good in it though. And then there's his smooth, pink lips, innocence written all over them. I shook my head and turned away before I could get carried away in my thoughts. "So, um, what other courses do you take? You're in advanced mandarin right?" I asked, breaking the silence. "yeah, how'd you know?" He answered, looking up at me. Eli walked in with my apple cinnamon tea and BLT, then handing Kevin the same thing. "Here you go. The manager notices you order this often so he thought it'd be funny to make your usual the special." Eli remarked, bowing to us. "Oh. Cool. Thanks Eli." I pulled out the money but Kevin put his hand over mine, stopping me. "I'll pay. Don't worry yourself over it. You need it more than I do." He whispered, sheepishly taking his hand off mine. "Here you go." He handed Eli exact change before sipping his tea. "You didn't have to do that..." I murmured, going red for the millionth time today as I slowly put the money away. "It's alright. You seem so stressed today, I want to show my thanks for all your hard work." Kevin took a bite of his sandwich, looking away like nothing happened. "This is so good... I see why you order this."

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